Volume 717, Page 780 View pdf image |
780 (761 With some Learned Attorney in the Law for the more sure makeing over the s.d Land to him his heirs or Assignes from us & our heires or from any person or persons Lyeing any Claime or title to any part or parcell of the said two hundred and Fifty Acres of Land as Wittness my hand and seale the Day and yeare above Written Signed Sealed & Delivered Tho Sprigg (seale) in p.rsence of us the Acknowledgment of Eliner Sprigg (seale) John Spriggs this Conveyance is Entred in Elias Sprigg this Booke fol.r 771 These are to impower you to joyne in Matrimony Charles Carry & Elizabeth Cow with out any further publicaons hereof given and my hand this 29.th Octo.r 1664 Carter Calvert To all Ministers & other Magestrates Whom these p.rsents may Concerne C Baltemore Charles absolute Lord and Proprietory of the province of Maryland and Avolon Lord Baron of Baltemore To all to Whome these p.rsents shall Come greeting Whereas I Did heretofore Make & Publish within my said province of Maryland Certaine Conditions and termes upon which all wast and unsurveyed Lands and Land not Resurveyed for my use there should be purchased and surveyed Impowering A Comittee of my then Councill of my said province of Maryland from time to time to give Directions according to the said Condicons for the Issueing out warranty for the surveying such Lands in ord.r for grants thereupon Likewise for the granting of surplusage Lands found upon Resurvey with severall other Matters relateing to Lands the which Comittee were Comonly Called the Councill for Lands the which Condicons Ware in force within my said province of Maryland in the yeare 1688 in which said yeare 1688 alsoe was in force the powers and authorityes of my said Comittee as by my Comission and Instructions to them for that purpose remaineing within my said Province of Maryland relacon being thereunto had may More at Large appeare Now Know Yee that I Reposeing Espetiall trust and Confidence in the fidelity & Circumspection of Coll Henry Darnall of my said province of Maryland have given granted and Authorized as I Doe hereby give grant and Authorize him the s.d Henry Darnall of y.e said province with full power to grant warrent or warrents in the usuall Manner for the use of any person or persons whatsoever and his hand and my Lesser seale of my said province of Maryland Directed to any surveyor Gen.ll therefore the time being or his Deputy for the surveying of any quantity of wast and Unsurveyed Lands & Lands not Reserved by me or as shall be thought fitt by the said Henry Darnall to be [illegible] within my said province of Maryland as shall be Duely |
Volume 717, Page 780 View pdf image |
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