Volume 717, Page 753 View pdf image |
743) 753 Did Conclude it Impossible to be thoroughly p.rformed till A Dryer season presented this Wee have thought our duety to represent to your Excellencyes Consideracon And desire wee May be Allowed A more seasonable line to Continue the said line if your Excellency shall think it necessary haveing already rann it farther then any Inhabitants are yet seiled or it may be every will All the Land on the Easterne side of the said branch being very poore and Barren Will Coursey Simon Wilmer This Indenture Made the three & Twenty Day of May in the Third yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland defend.rs of the faith &c And in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred Ninty & One Beetween John Galwith of Calvert County in the province of Maryland Merch.t and now Resident in the Parrishe of Stepney Neere the City of London in the Kingdom of England And Jane his Wife of the one part And William Turner of Calvert County aforesaid Gent of the other part Wittnesseth that whereas the Right hon.ble Ceecillius late Absolute Lord and proprietary of the said Province of Maryland Paid by his Lett.rs Pattents under the great seale then used in the said Province of Maryland for granting of Lands there beareing Date at the Citty of S.t Maryes the 10.th Day of July in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and foure for the Consideracon in y.e same Named Grant unto one Allexander Watts All that parcell of Land Lyeing on the west side of Puttuxant River Next Adjoyning to y.e Land of Robert Brooke Esq.r Called Aquafras Begining at a point by A branch Called Cannadys branch And Runing South Downe y.e River for breadth seaventy five p.rches to A pine tree by A branch Called Cornelius branch standing on the south with A Line Drawn west from the said pyne up the branch for the length of three hundred and fifty p.rches on the West with A Line Drawn North from the End of the west Line unto the Land of the said Robert Brooke Esq.r On the North with the said Land on the east with the said River Containeing two hundred Acres More or Less Together with all proffitts rights & beniffits thereunto belonging (Royall Mynes Excepted) To have and to hold the same unto him the said Allexander Watts his heirs & Assignes for ever to be holden of his Lordshipp & his heires as of his Lordships Manno.r of S.t Maryes in free & Comon soccage by fealty onely for all manner of services under such rents Covenants Condicons limittacons and Exceptions as in and by the said recited Deed of grant or pattent relacon being thereunto had it doth & may more plainely at Large appeare And Whereas the said Allexander Watts by his Assignement under his hand Endorsed on the back side of the aforesaid Deed of grant of pattent beareing Date the thirteenth Day of Jan.ry Anno Dm One thousand six hundred sixty five for himselfe his heires Executo.rs Adm.rs or Assignes And Make over unto James Berry his heirs Executo.rs or Assignes his right and whole interest of the aforesaid pattent as by the said Endorsment relacon being thereunto had May More at Large appeare And whereas Alsoe one William) Berry the Naturall & Lawfull sonne and heire of the aforesaid James Berry and Naiomi his wife by their Certaine Deed or writeing under theire hands & seales beareing date the twentith Day of January in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty seaven Did for the Consideracon in the same menconed grant bargaine & sell unto John Grear of the same County all that the above mentioned parcell of Land Containeing two |
Volume 717, Page 753 View pdf image |
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