Volume 717, Page 655 View pdf image |
645) 655 Sold by metes and bound by the said Edward Barrowcliffe unto Daniell Ingerson his heires and assignes and alsoe all that Certaine water Mill standing and being in Talbott County aforesaid scituate and being upon or nere adjacent to Willton aforesaid on part or parcell thereof at the head of Wye River and on a branch of the said River called or knowne by the name of the Mill Branche all which bargained premisses ware late in the tenure occupacon or possession of the said Edward Barrowclifte his Tenants or assignes butt not in the actuall Possession of the said Richard Sweatnam his Tenants or Assignes together with all Houses outhouses buildings Orchards waies waters watercourses priviledges easem.ts Comodities Heriditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said bargained p.rmisses and Watermill aforesaid belongeing or in any wise appartaineing or with them or either of them used occupied or enjoyed as part or parcell or member thereof Except as before excepted together with all the estate right title title Interest Claime and demand whatsoever of him the said Edward Barrowcliffe of in or to the hereby bargained p.rmisses and the Revercon and Revercons & Remainder and Remainders rents ussess and Proffits of the hereby granted p.rmisses To have and to hold the said thirty nine Acres of Land ^and^ wattermill with all and singuler their and either of their appurtenances unto the said Richard Sweatnam his heires and assignes to the onely Proper use and behoofe of the said Richard Sweatnam his heires and assignes for ever and the said Edward Barowcliffe doth hereby grant for him and his heires that he and his heires the said bargained Premisses with theire appurtenances unto the saide Richard Sweatnam his heires and Assignes shall and will warrant and ag.t all parsons for ever by these Presents defend And the sd Edward Barrowcliffe doth for himselfe his Ex.rs Adm.rs Covenant promise and grant to and with the said Richard Sweatnam his heires and assignes by these p.rsents in Manner and forme followeing that is to say that he the said Edward Barrowcliffe att the time and before the ensealinge and delivery of these Presents stood seized of a good sure firme and absolute Estate in Fee of in and to all and singular the Premisses hereby bargained and sold and hath full Power good right & lawfull authority to convey and assure the same unto the said Richard Sweatnam his heires & assignes for ever and that he the said Richard Sweatnam his heires & assignes shall and may henceforth for ever peaceably and quietly have hold occupie possess and enjoy the said thirty Nine Acres of Land Corne Mill with the appurtenances without the Lawfull Lett trouble deniall eviccon eiercon Expusion or Molestacon of the said Edward Barrowcliffe and Anne his Wife or his heires or any parson or p.rsons whatsoever freed from all incumbrances whatsoever the rents and services therefore due & of Right accustomed to be paid to the Lord or Lords of the Fee or Seigniory thereof alwaies excepted and foreprized And Lastly that the said Edward Barrowcliffe and Anne his wife & his heires shall and will at any time within the Space of Seaven yeares Nex ensueing the Date hereof att the reasonable request cost and Charges in the Law of him the said Richard Sweatnam his heires and assignes make doe or cause or suffer to be done made & done any further or other conveyance and assurance in Law for y.e better assureing & more firme sure makeing of the said bargained p.rmisses unto the said Richard Sweatnam his heires and assignes for ever & by the sd Richard Sweatnam his heires or assignes or his or their Councill learned in the Lawes shall be Reasonably devised or required in wittness whereof the parties above Names to the p.rsent Indentures interchangeably their hands and seales have putt the day & yeare first above writtten Edward Barrowcliffe (Seale) Anne Barrowcliffe (Seale) |
Volume 717, Page 655 View pdf image |
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