Volume 717, Page 634 View pdf image |
634 (624 Towne to the end such Deputy or Deputy may from time to time send the same away to the Gen.ll post office in England to be Delivered according to the severall and respective directions of the same as by the said act of Parliament is Precribed and to dispatch away such of the said letters and pacquetts as shalbe directed or are to bee carryed from any of the said Islands Collonyes or Plantacons to any other of them according to the respective directions of such letters or paqetts by the first conveniancy for the Conveyance of the same to the said other Islands Collonys or Plantacons from time to time To have hold use exercise and enjoy the said office or offices with the Powers and Authoritys p.rvidges leave and Lycence aforesaid from the Date of the said letters pattents for twenty and one yeares at six sillings and eight pence p annum In which the said letters pattents their Maj.tyes have signified theire pleasure to bee That wee theire Maj.tyes post masters Generall should from time to time issue such Deputacon as may the better enable the said Thomas Neale his Ex.rs Administ.rs and assignes and such pson and persons as he or they shall from time to time nominate to exercise and execute the Powers and authorityes to him or them in and by the said receited letters pattents granted dureing the said tyme and whereas to the end and purposes aforesaid the said Thomas Neale hath requested and desired us to Nominate and appointed Andrew Hamilton of East Jersey Esq.r his Deputy or Deputys to Execute and exercise the Powers and authoritys in and by the said letters patents given and granted for the said terme of twenty and one yeares Now Know yee that Wee the said S.r Robert Cotton and Thomas Frackland Esq.rs in obedience to their Maj.ties Comand and at the Nominiacon and desire of the said Thomas Neale Esq.r Doe by these p.rsents depute Nominate Constitute authorize and appoynt the said Andrew Hamilton or Deputy for the Governement and management of the said Genar.ll Post office for and throughout all the Plantacons and Collonys upon the Maine land or Contenant in America comonly called or knowne by the name of North America belonging or to be belonging unto their Maj.tyes their ^heires^ or successo.rs ^and for and througout y.e severall Isles & Islands in North America belonging or to belolonging to their Maj.ties their heires or successors^ Maine land or contenant to have hold use Exercise and Enjoy the said office of our Deputy post Master Gener.ll in and through the said Plantacons Collonys Isles and Islands aforesaid for the terme of twenty one yeares if the said Andrew Hamilton shall soe long live and if the said letters pattents shall soe long continue in force to comence from the Date of the said letters pattents w.th all powers proffitts priviledges and authoritys thereunto by vertue of the letters pattants annexed appropited or belonging except as in and by the said letters pattents or excepted Subject Nevertheless to such Condicons Covenants provisers payments orders and Instruccons to be faithfully observed performed and done by the said Thomas Neale his Ex.rs Adm.rs or Assignes his or their Deputy or Deputys or Servents as in and by the said recited letters pattents are reserved limitted agreed or appointed to be observed and parformed and done and subject alsoe to the laws and statutes of England made Concerning the Post office or offices of Post Master Genar.ll and that the intents and purposes of the said Letters pattents may not be frustrated in Case the said Andrew Hamilton under his hand and seale shall nominate and Continuance of the said letters patents Wee the said S.r Robert Cotton Thomas Frankland Esq.r Doe in such manner Case but not otherwise further by these p.rsents Depute nominate Constitute Authorize and apointe such other p.rson or p.rsons as the said Andrew Hamilton under his hand and seale shall nominate for that purpose our Deputy or Deputys for the Goverm.t and Managem.t of the said Genar.ll Post office for and through out the said severall Isles and Islands Plantacons and Collonyes in North America as aforesaid To hould use Exercise and enjoy the said office in and through the same places with the) |
Volume 717, Page 634 View pdf image |
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