Volume 717, Page 632 View pdf image |
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632 622 without any charge Provided that noe person or persons whatsoever shall be Capeable of exerciseing the said Office or Offices or any of them or any Deputacon relateing thereunto untill he or they doe first take the Oaths appointed by the Act of Parliament made in the first yeare of our reigne Entituled An Act for the abrogateing the oaths of supremacy and allegiance and appointing other Oaths Provided also that if it shall at any time hereafter be made appeare to us our heires or successors that this our Grant is inconvenient to our subjects in Generall or that the powers hereby granted or menconed to be granted or any of them is or are abused that then it shall & may be Lawfull to and for us our heires and successors by any order of or made in our or their Privy Councill to revoake determine and make voide these our Letters Pattents and every Clause power and thing therein Conteyned anything to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Provided further that if the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs or assignes shall not within the space of two yeares next after the date of these our Lres Pattents Establish the Post or Offices thereof intended within the Collonies Islands and Plantacons aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of these p.rsents then this our grant and every power matter and thing therein Conteyned shall cease & be voide anything to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And the said Thomas Neale doth further for himselfe his Execu.rs Adm.rs and Assignes Covenant promise and grante to and with us our heires and successors that all Letters or Pacquetts Collected or received in any of the Plantacons Islands or Collonies aforesaid to be sent for England shall from time to time be carefully put upp and dispatched away by the first shipp bound for any port of England to be delivered to the next Deputy Post Master in England without any Charge to the Post Office here Excepting and reserving unto us our heires and successors that all letters or pacquetts the English Inland Postage of all such Letters and pacquetts last menconed to be sent for England it being hereby intended and declared that the same shall not be accounted for the said Thomas Neale his Ex.rs Adm.rs or assignes but that he and they shall and is and are hereby obleiged to satisfy and pay the Masters of such vessells for such Conveyance and delivery of such letters and pacquetts as shall be sent for England as aforesaid And alsoe that he the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adminstr.rs or assignes shall and will at his and their owne proper Cost and chargers in the La nominate and appointe a sufficient officer in our Citty of London to receive & collect from time to time all Letters and Pacquetts for any of our Collonyes or Plantacons aforesaid and to take care to send them duely away from time to time by the first vessell bound for any of these parts and further that all letters commonly called state Letters which are usually carried postage Free here in England shall pass Free thorow all our Plantacons and Islands aforesaid and further also that he the said Thomas Neale his Executors Adm.rs or Assignes shall and will at the ende of the three first yeares next Ensueing the date of these p.rsents transmitt or cause to be transmitted to the Commissioners of the Treasury or high Treasurer of England for the time being a true and faithfull account in writeing upon Oath of the whole profitt and advantage ariseing or accrewing by and the Charge of setleing and manageing of the said Office or Offices herein before granted or menconed to be granted or Established and also shall and will keepe true & faithfull accounts in writeing of all the receipts & charges aforesaid relateing to the said Office or imployment & that from and after the expiracon of the said three yeares next ensueing after the date of this our Grante the like account shall be yearely transmitted as aforesaid if thereunto required And for the better execucon of the powers and direccons herein contayned wee have given and granted and by these p.rsents for us our heires & successors doe give and grante unto the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs & Assignes full power & authority from time to time dureing the said terme of twenty one yeares to sett up make use and have Ferryes over any River or Lake in our said Collonyes Islands or Plantacons where noe Ferryes are yett made nor any grante thereof for the better Conveyance of postage and passengers as need shall require Ferryes to the use of him the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs & Assignes Provided allwayes and our will and pleasure is and wee doe hereby for us our heires and successors declare that in all cases where such Ferry or Ferryes are to be sett up and made over other persons Land or Water the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof shall be first agreed with and his and their Consent gained therein according to Law & Witness ourselves at Westminster the seaventeenth day of February in the fourth yeare of our Reigne &c By writt of Privy seale Inrolled the 1.st day of June 1693 in loco Pigott W Taylard Clk sigilli |
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Volume 717, Page 632 View pdf image |
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