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621) 631 away such of the said letters or pacquetts as shall be directed or are to be carried from any of the said Islands Colonies or Plantacons to any other of them according to the respective direccons of such letters or pacquetts by the first Convenciencyes for the Conveyance of the sume to the said Other Islands Collonies or Plantacons from time to time To have hold use exercise and Enjoy the said Office and Offices with the powers authorityes priviledges leave and lycence herein before menconed and intended to be hereby granted and to take perceive and receive the rates and sums aforesaid unto him the said Thomas Neale his Executors Adm.rs and assignes to the only use and behoofe of him the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs and Assignes from the date of these our Letters Pattents for and dureing the terme of twenty one yeares next Ensueing and fully to be Compleate and Ended without any account or other matter or theng to be therefore rendred or paid to us our heires or successors other then the rents Covenants and agreements herein after menconed Rendring to us our heires and successors dureing the said terme the yearely rent of six shillings and Eight pence to be paid in to our Exchecquer in England at the feast of S.t Michael the Arch Angle yearely And wee doe hereby for us our heires and successors authorize and Command the Post Master and Post Masters Generall now and for the time being of us our heires and successors from time to time to Issue such Deputacons as may better Enable the said Thomas Neale his Executors Administrators and assignes and such person and persons as he or they shall from time to time nominate to exercise and execute the powers and authorityes to him or them hereby given and granted or menconed or intended to be given and granted in and about the p.rmisses dureing the said terme of twenty one yeares And Wee doe hereby also for us our heires and successors strictly prohibite and forbid all and every person & persons whatsoever other then the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs and Assignes and such person or persons as he or they shall nominate as aforesaid to sett upp exercise or execute the like office or offices within the Islands Collonies and plantacons aforesaid or any of them at any time or times within or dureing the Continuance of the said terme of one and twenty yeares hereby granted Provided allways that nothing in these p.rsents conteyned shall extend or be construed to extend to restraine any merchants masters or others from sending any Letters or Pacquetts to or from the said Plantacons or Colonies or any of them by any Masters of shipps or other Vessells or by any other person or persons which such merchants Masters or others will Especially imploy or intrust for the carriage of the same according to their respective direccons And the said Thomas Neale doth for himselfe his Executors Adm.rs and assignes Covenant promise and grante to and with us our heires and successors by these p.rsents That he the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs or assignes or such person or persons as he or they shall nominate as aforesaid shall and will from time to time upon his or their receipt or receipts of any Letters or Pacquetts which which shall be directed into the said Islands Colonyes and Plantacons or any of them from England or any other parts or from any parts or places within the said Islands Colonyes or Plantacons to any other parts or places within the same cause the said Letters or pacquetts to be forthwith dispersed carried and delivered in the severall parts of the said Islands Colonies and Plantacons as they shall be directed and from time to time as he they or any of them shall Collect or receive any Letters or pacquetts to be send from the said Plantacons Islands or Collonyes or any of them for England shall dispatch and send away the same by by the first shipp that shall be bound for any port of England to be there delivered to the next deputy post master as aforesaid and where any Letters or pacquetts shall be directed from any of the said Collonies Islands or Plantacons to some other of them that he or they shall dispatch and send away the same according to the respective direccons by the first Conveniency of Carriage or Convenience thereof and that these services shall be performed with Care and without any neglect or delay at the rate before menconed And the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs or assignes shall and will at his and their owne Costs and Charges keepe accounts in books fairely written of all the sums of monye and proffitts whatsoever ariseing in every yeare by the office imployment or business aforesaid and of all charges thereupon and shall suffer the said books to be inspected from time to time and Coppies thereof or noates out of the same to be taken by such person or persons as the Commissioners of the Treasury or high Trear of England for the time being shall appoint and shall and will within the twentieth yeare of the said terme of twenty one yeares hereby granted produce the said books themselves or soe many of them as shall be then made to the Commissioners of the Treasury or high treasurer of England then being to the End he or they may have certayne knowledge of the yearely vallew of the said Office or offices for the future benefitt of us our heires and successours And further that such Publick Orders as the Governors of the said respective Plantacons Islands or Collonyes from time to time shall Issue out for the imediate service of us our heires and successors shall be dispatched and distributed by the said respective offices |
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Volume 717, Page 631 View pdf image |
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