Volume 717, Page 630 View pdf image |
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630 (620 I hereby assigne over to William Taylard a Judgment I have against Cap.t Henry Smith of Somersett County Debt & Cost the sume of Four thousand Eighty & four pounds of Tobacco and warrant the same to be good as appears upon the Reccord in the Provinciall Court Wittness my hand and seale the 5.th December 1692 Jos Doyn Teste Antho Evans On the Back of the afsd order was Endorsed as foll John ≠ Edwards Pay the Contents within Menconed unto Henry Denton or order whose his marke receipt shall be sufficient Yo.r W Taylard To Cap.t Henry Smith These May the 7.th 1693 Received the Contents within Mentioned of the within Named Cap.t Henry Smith by me Hen Denton William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queene Defenders of the faith &c To all to whom these p.rsents shall come Greeting Whereas our Trusty & well beloved servant Thomas Neale Esq hath lately humbly represented unto us that there never yett hath beene any cost Established for the Conveying of Letters within or betweene Virginia Maryland Delaware New Yorke New England East and West Jersey Pensilvania & Northward as farr as our Dominions reach in America and that the want thereof hath beene a great hinderance to the trade of these parts and he the said Thomas Neale haveing humbly desired us to grante unto him Letters Pattents for the setleing of such a Post at his owne Charge and wee being fully satisfied that the same may be of service to Trade and Correspondence and also willing to Encourage such an undertakeing know yee therefore that wee of our Especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere mocon and with and under the Condicons & agreements therein after menconed on the part and behalfe of the said Thomas Neale his Executors & Assignes to be performed have given and granted and by these p.rsents for us or heires and successors doe give and grante unto the said Thomas Neale his Execut.rs Adm.rs and Assignes full power and authority to erect setle and Establish and from time to time dureing the terme herein after menconed shall and may Continue and Enjoy within every or any the Cheife Ports of the severall Islands Plantacons or Colonyes belonging or to belong unto us our heires or successors in America an Office or Offices for the receiveing and dispatching away of Letters and Pacquetts with full power and authority and Free liberty leave and lycence to and form him the said Thomas Neale his Executors Adm.rs and Assignes and to and for such person or persons as he or they shall from time to time in this behalfe nominate to receive at their respective offices aforesaid of and from any Masters of Shipps Passengers or others any letters or pacquetts wtsoever which shall be brought into the said Collonyes and Islands or any of them from England or from any other parts whatsoever or which shall be sent from any parts or places of such respective Colonye or Island to any other parts or places of the same and to dispatch send away carry and deliver the same to the respective persons and places to whom or which they shall be directed or sent within the said Colonies and Island or any of them and to take and receive to the only use & behoofe of the said Thomas Neale his Executors Administrators and Assignes for the postage or Conveyance of all such letters or pacquetts as shall be soe dispatched sent away carryed and delivered such rates and sums of money as shall be proportionable to the rates for the post or carriage of Letters sett downe and ascertained in and by an Act of Parliament made in the twelveth yeare of the Reigne of our late Royall Uncle King Charles the Second Entituled an Act for Erecting & Establishing a Post Office or such other rates or sums of mony as the planters and others will freely agree to give for their letters or pacquetts upon the first setlement of such office or offices And further wee have given and granted and by these p.rsents for us our heires and successors doth give and grante unto the said Thomas Neale his Execu.rs Adm.rs and assignes and to such person authority and Free liberty leave and lycence at the said Office or offices soe to be setled as aforesaid to collect and receive such letters or pacquetts as the Planters or others will send or bring to the same and to dispatch such of them away for England as shall be directed thither by the first shipp that from time to time shall be bound for any Port or Towne of England to be there delivered to the deputy or deputyes of our Post Master or Post Masters Generall for the time being by him or them appointed or to be appointed for the said Port Towne to the Ende such Deputy or Deputyes may from time to time send the same away to the Generall Post Office in England to be delivered according to the severall & respective directions of the same as by the said Act of Parliament is prescribed and to dispatch away |
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Volume 717, Page 630 View pdf image |
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