Volume 717, Page 589 View pdf image |
579) 589 Containing One Thousand Acres More or less And was by Pattent Bearing date the second day of May in the year of our Lord 1659 and in the Twenty Seaventh year of the Dominion of Cæcilius Lord Prop.ry of the Province of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore Grannted by the Hon.ble Josias Fendall Esq.r Lieuten.t of the said Province of Maryland (where the said Land doth Lye) under the Great Seale of the said Province unto M.r Richard Wright Father to the said Mottrom Wright & M.r Nicholas Spencer and by an Endorsement on the said Pattent under the hand & Seale of the s.d Nicholas Spencer bearing date the Tenth day of September Anno 1661 his the said Spencers whole right title & Interest of the Said Land & Pattent was for full satisfaction paid to him the sd Spencer Assigned & sett over unto the afsd Richard Wright his heires or assignes for Ever And by the afsd Richard Wright in his Last Will & Testam.t devised unto his said son Mottrom Wright his heires & assignes for Ever with all & singular its rights Members Jurisdictions and appurtenances Togeather with all houses Edifices buildings barnes stables orchards Gardens yards backsids Easements Lands Tenements Meadowes feedings pastures woods underwoods wayes Easements profitts Comodityes Hereditements & appurtenances whatsoever to the said Land & p.rmisses or to any part or p.rcell thereof belogning or in any wise appertaining all w.ch said land Tenements feedings pastures & heredetements with their & Every of their rights members & appurtenances whatsoever before in & by these p.rsents Mentioned or Intended to be Granted are scituate Lying & being in the Province of Maryland afsd and the Reversion & Reversions remainder & remainders of all & singular the before Mentioned p.rmisses & all rent & rents reserved upon any grant & grants Demise & Demises made of the p.rmisses or of any part or parcell thereof and also all the Estate right title Interest use possession property Claime & Demand whatsoever of him the said Mottrom Wright of in or to the same & all Deeds writings Evidences Charters Escripts & Minuments whatsoever touching or concerning the p.rmisses or any part or parcell thereof To have & To hold the said land & Tenements & all & singular other the premisses hereby granted bargained & sold or Mentioned to be herein or hereby granted bargained & sold with their & Every of their rights Members & appurtenances whatsoever unto the said Edward Chilton his heires & assignes to the onely proper use & behoof of the sd Edward Chilton his heires & Assignes for Ever And the s.d Mottrom Wright for himselfe & his heires &c.a the said land or Tenements & all & singular other the p.rmisses before granted bargained & sold with the appurtenances unto the s.d Edward Chilton & his heires to the only proper use & behoofe of the s.d Edward Chilton his heires & assignes & all & Every other person & persons whatsoever Lawfully Claiming by from or under him them or any of them shall & will Warrant & for Ever Defend by these p.rsents And to the said Motrom Wright for himselfe his heires Ex.rs & Adm.rs doth covenant promise grant & agree to & with the said Edward Chilton his heires & Assignes and Every of them by these p.rsents in Manner & forme Following that is to say that he the said Mottrom Wright at the time of the Ensealling & delivery of these p.rsents & untill a good pure perfect & Absolute Estate of Inheritance of all & singular the before granted p.rmisses & Every part thereof shall be fully Vested settled & Executed in & upon the said Edward Chilton & his heires &c according to the true Meaning of these p.rsents shall remaine |
Volume 717, Page 589 View pdf image |
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