Volume 717, Page 566 View pdf image |
566 (556 To all People To Whom these presents Shall Come Wee The Comm.rs for Managing and Causing to be Leavied and Collected theire Maj.ties Customes subsides and other Duties in this theire Kindome of England send Greeting Loco Know Yee that wee the Said Commissioners by Vertue of an Act of Parliam.t Sigill Made in the 25.th yeare of King Charles the Seconds Reigne Entituled an Act for the Encouragement of the East Land and Greenland Trades and for better Secureing the Plantacon Trade and p.rsuance of the Authority and Direction to us given by the R.t Hon.ble the Lord Comm.rs of their Maj.ties Treasury Have Deputed and Impowred and Doe hereby Depute and Impower Edward Randolph Esq.r to be surveyor Generall of the Rates and Duties ariseing and growing due to their Maj.ts by Virtue of the said Act in their Maj.ts Severall Colonys upon the Coast of America And he is hereby also appointed to Inspect the Actions of the Collectors and other officers Employed in and about the Manageing and Collecting of the aforesaid Duties and to Examine their Books and accompts And hath also power to Enter into any shipp Bottom Boat or other Vessell as also into any shopp House Warehouse Hostery or other place whatsoever to Make Dilligent Search into any Trunck Chest Pack Case Truss or any other parcell or Package whatsoever for any Goods Wares or Merchandizes Prohibited to be Imported or Exported or Where of the Customes or other Duties have Nott been Duly paid and the same to seize to their Maj.ts use and also to putt in Execution all other the Lawfull powers and Authoritys for the better Manageing or Collecting the said Duties in all things proceeding as the Law Directs Hereby prayeing and requireing all and every their Maj.ts officers and Ministers and all others whom it May Concerne to be aiding and assisting to Him in all things as becometh Given under our hands and Seale at the Custome house London this 14.th day of October in the third yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary Annoq.r Domi 1691 G Booth Jo Werden Robert Southwell Z Ward Maryland Know all men by these presents That I Joshua Hollinshead of Calvert County in the Province of Maryland M.rchant have Constituted appointed ordained and Made and Doe firmely Constitute appoint ordaine and Make M.r Garret Vansueringen My true and Law full Attorny for Me and in My Name and to my proper use to Aske Demand sue for Recover and Receive all such Debts dues & Judgments which are oweing me In S.t Marys County and Charles County Especially what is Depending Between Peter Valet and me giving and by these presents Granting my said attorny full and absolute power to aske sue Demand Receive and Recover all and Every such debt or debts Ratifyeing & holding firme all and Every Such Act or Acts thing or things as my said Attorny shall Lawfully Doe or Cause to be Done in and Concerning the p.rmisses Giveing My said Atturny My full and absolute power to sue arrest implead Imprison and out of Prison again the said person or persons to discharge & Deliver and shall and will at all time and times hereafter approve and allow of all such Receits or Discharges as my said Attorny Shall Give as well as if I my selfe was actualy p.rsent In Wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 17.th day of April 1689 Sealed & delivered in the presence of us Joshua Hollinshead (sealed) the word Judgm.t interlined before sealing & delivery Rich.d Tull John Ellis |
Volume 717, Page 566 View pdf image |
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