Volume 717, Page 564 View pdf image |
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564 (554 This Indenture Made the fourth day of November Anno Dom 1691 and in the third yeare of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord and Lady William and Mary King and Queen of England Scotland France & Irland &c.a Between John Meeks of Ratcliffe in the Parish of Stepney als Stelunheath in the County of Middlesex Chyrugion of the one part and Joh Addison of Potomack River in the Province of Maryland Gent of the other part Witnesseth That the said John Meeks for and in Consideracon of the sume of Seaventy pounds of Lawfull Money of England To him in hand paid att or before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents by the said John Addison The Receipt whereof and himselfe therewith fully paid & satisfyed Hee the said John Meeks Doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part thereof doth clearly Acquitt Release and Discharge the Said John Addison his heires Executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them by these p.rsents Hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed And by these p.rsents Doth Grant Bargaine Sell Alien Enfeoffe and Confirme unto the said John Addison All that parcell of Land Now or heretofore called S.t Elizabeths or by what other Name the Same is called or Known lying on the East side of Pascattaway River about Eight Miles from Pascattaway Creeke begining att a marked oak Now or late Standing by the water side Near an Ashen Swampe that boundeth the Land Now or late of George Thompson and runing North up the River for breadth the length of one hundred Ninety & four perches to a Marked pokicory Standing by an Ashen Swamp Neer the Mouth of a Creek Called S.t Johns Creek bounding on the North with the said Creek and a line drawne East into the woods for the length of Five hundred perches to a marked oake on the East with a line Drawne South from the end of the former line untill you Meet with the Exterior Line Now or late of George Thompsons Land on the South with the said Land on the West with the said River conteining and heretofore laid out for six hundred Acres More or less Together with all houses Ediffices buildings Rights benefitts and hereditaments what soever to the said Land and p.rmisses belonging and the Revercon and Revercons Remainder & Remainders Rents Issues and proffitts of the said p.rmisses and of every part and parcell thereof and also all the Estate right Title Interest Inheritance property claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said John Meeks of in and to the said Lands and p.rmisses And every part and parcell thereof Togeter with all Deeds Evidences and writings concerning the same (Which Said parcell of Land was heretofore granted unto the said John Meeks by and from Ceacilius Lord and Prop.ry of this Province of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To hold unto him the said John Meeks his heires and Assignes for Ever as by Deed under the Great Seale of the said Province bearing date the Six and Twentyeth day of May Anno Domin 1663 More appeareth) To have and to hold the said parcell of Land and all and singular the p.rmisses therein before menconed or Intended to be hereby Granted bargained Sold Enffeofed and Confirmed with their and every of their appurtenences unto the said John Addison his heires and Assignes for Ever To the only proper use and behoofe of him the said John Addison and of his heires and Assignes for Ever And the said John Meeks for himselfe his heires Executors and Administrators and for every of them Doth covenant promise and Grant to and with the said John Addison his Ex.rs Adm.rs and Assignes by these p.rsents That the said John Addison his Ex.rs Adm.rs and assignes shall or lawfully May from henceforth for ever hereafter peaceably and quietly Enter into have hold occuppy and Enjoy all and singular the said p.rmisses with Thappts and Receive and take the Rents and Proffitts thereof to his and theire owne use and uses without any lett Suit trouble Eviccon Recovery or Interrupcon of or by the sayd John Meeks his heires or assignes or of or by any other person or p.rsons claiming or to claime by from or under him them or any of them And That Free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted & Discharged of and from all former and other Bargains Sales Guifts |
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Volume 717, Page 564 View pdf image |
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