Volume 717, Page 493 View pdf image |
483) 493 Marked Oake standing neare a litle Branch and runing for breadth North East up the Creeke One hundred pches to a Marked Oake standing in an Oyster Shell Valley bounding on the North with a line drawne North West from the oake in the valley for the length of Three hundred & Twenty pches to a Marked Oake on the west with a line drawne south west from the said Oake for the length of one hundred pches to a Marked on the south with a line drawne South East from the last marked Oake unto the first Oake by the Branch on the East with the said Creeke Conteyning and laid out for Two hundred Acres more or lesse And all wayes Easements proffitts Comodities and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said land belonging or in any wise Apperteining And all Deeds writeings pattents Escripts & Muniments whatsoever relateing to the said Land or any part thereof To have and to Hold the said Two hundred Acres of Land and all other the said Bargained premisses unto the said Elizabeth Baker and her Heires To the onely proper use & behoofe of the said Elizabeth Baker her Heires and Assignes absolutely and for ever To be holden of the Cheife Lord or Lords of the fee or fees of the premisses by the rents & services therefore due and of right accustomed And the said John Nuthall for him his Heires Executors & Administrators & for every of them doth Covenant Graunt and agree to and with the said Elizabeth Baker her Heires & Assignes by these presents That she the said Elizabeth Baker shall and may from henceforth for ever peaceably & quietly have hold Occupy possesse and Enjoy The said Two hundred Acres of Land & premisses & the rents issues & profitts of the same free and cleare and freely & clearely Acquitted Exonerated & discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other Bargaines Sales Guifts Graunts Titles troubles debts Charges & Encumbrances whatsoever had made comitted or done by the said John Nuthall the father and John Nuthall the sonne party to these presents or either of them or by any other person or persons clayming or to clayme by from or under them or Either of them (the quit rent and the Areares of the same alwayes Excepted) the same being to be paid & discharged by the said Elizabeth Baker And the said John Nuthall the sonne doth further covenant graunt & agree to and with the said Elizabeth Baker her Heires Executors & Assignes by these presents That they the said John Nuthall & Barbara his wife & their Heires and all others lawfully clayming under them shall & will at all times hereafter at the reasonable request & at the proper cost & Charges of the said Elizabeth Baker her Heires or Assignes make & graunt unto her or them & to her & their use such further & other assureance & assureances conveyance & Conveyances for the further & more better assureing & sure makeing the premisses to the said Elizabeth Baker & her Heires & Assignes as by her or them or her or their Councell shall be advised In Wittness whereof the parties aforesaid |
Volume 717, Page 493 View pdf image |
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