Volume 717, Page 487 View pdf image |
477) 487 And all and every the Tract of Land thereunto and to the said Messuage belonging or with the same now or heretofore comonly used occupied or Enjoyed as part parcell or member thereof which said land lyes to the Northward of the Creeke and maine branch thereof called the second Creeke Conteyning by Estimacon five hundred Acres more or lesse which said messuage and last menconed land was Conveyed by Indenture from Thomas Brookes and Anne his wife bearing date the Three and Twentyeth day of February 1687 And the like moytie or halfe part of all that tract or parcell of land called Darnalls Campe lying in Baltemore County on the south branch of Gun Powder River Begining at a marked red oake being the bounded tree of the land called Adventures Addicon formerly taken up for George Lingan Gen.t and Runing west and by north Five Hundred pches to a bounded Poplar then runinig south and by west Three hundred pches to a bounded Red oake then runing East and by south five hundred pches to another bounded red oake then with a streight line to the first bounded tree Conteyning and layd out for One Thousand Acres more or lesse Graunted unto the said John Darnall by Pattent bearing date the Tenth day of August 1684 Also one moytie or halfe part of all that Tract or parcell of land called Darnalls Sylvania lying in Baltemore County aforesaid upon the head of a River called Gunpowder River and upon the south side of the south branch of the aforesaid River Begining at a bounded polar standing at the end of the west and by north line of a parcell of land called Darnalls Campe and runing from thence west and by North Two Hundred and fifty pches to a bounded red oake Then runing from the said Tree south & by west Three hundred and Twenty pches then runing from the End of the south and by west line East and by south Two Hundred and fifty pches till it Intersect the aforesaid land called Darnalls Campe lastly runing with the said land North and by East to the first bounded Tree Conteyning and layd out for five hundred Acres more or lesse Graunted to the said John Darnall by Pattent bearing date the Tenth day of September 1684 And also the moytie or half part of all that Tract of land called the Affinity lying in Baltemore County upon the head of Gunpowder River and upon the south branch of the aforesaid River Begining at a bounded white oake the first bound Tree of the land called Trumans Acquaintance formerly taken up by Maj.r Trueman of Calvert County and Runing from the said oake North west for the length of six hundred and sixty pches unto a bounded oake the first bound tree of a Mannor of land formerly taken up for the Right Hon.ble Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore from thence runing south west four hundred and Thirty pches to a bounded spanish oake on a Ridge neare unto a small Glade from thence Runing south Three hundred pches to a bounded red oake standing by the said Branch Lastly runing from the said oake parallell with the said branch by a streight line to the first bounded Tree Conteyning and layd out for Fifteen Hundred Acres be the same more or lesse Graunted by Pattent to the said John Darnall the Tenth Day of September 1684 And all that one full moytie or Equall halfe part of all that Tract or parcell of Land called Darnalls farme lying and being in Kent County on the North side of Chester River Begining at a marked Red Oake standing on the west side of a branch called ward oake branch and Runing from the said Tree west in the woods Three Hundred pches and from thence with a line drawne North Three Hundred and Twenty pches and then with a line drawne East Three Hundred pches and from thence with a streight line to the first bound Tree Conteyning and layd out for six Hundred Acres Graunted to the said John Darnall by Pattent dated the Tenth Day of September 1684 Alsoe the like moytie or halfe part of all that parcell of land being part of Fenwick Mannour lying scituate and being on the south west side of Patuxen River and Runing by the said River as followeth Begining at a bounded Tree in a Valley called Goose Vally by the side of Patuxen River runing by the said River |
Volume 717, Page 487 View pdf image |
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