Volume 717, Page 486 View pdf image |
486 (476 On the south by a line drawne west south west from the said Oake for length Three Hundred and twenty pches on the west with a line drawne North west from the end of the west south west line seaventy five pches on the north with a line drawne East north East from the end of the North west line unto the first marked Oake Conteyning and layd out for One Hundred and fifty acres more or lesse And also one other parcell of land called Utiesly lying in Cæcill County on the East side of Chesepeake bay and on the south side of a River in the said bay called Sasafrax River Begining at a marked oake standing at the mouth of a branch called the fishing Creeke running downe the said Creeke and River for breadth One Hundred and fifty pches to a branch bounding on the East by the said branch Running south south East for length Three Hundred and twenty pches on the south with a line drawne south west from the end of the south south East line untill it Intersect a parallell drawne from the first branch on the west with the said parallell and branch on the North with the said Creeke and River Conteyning and layd out for Three Hundred Acres more or lesse all which three last mentioned parcells of land were by Pattent bearing date the Eighteenth day of July 1664 Graunted to Richard Bennet deceased Alsoe all that parcell of land called Bennets Hope lying in a River on the East side of Chesepeake Bay called Sasafrax River in a Creeke on the south side of the said River called Turneyes Creeke and on the south west side of the said Creeke in Cæcill County Beginning at a marked Oake standing on a long pyney poynt by a small Branch close by the norrowing of the said Poynt Running from the said oake up the branch for breadth One Hundred pches to a marked red oake standing a litle above the head of the said branch on a hill by a swampe bounded on the said Oake by a line drawne south and by East for length into the woods Three Hundred and twenty pches bounded on the south and by East by a line drawne North East to the aforesaid Creeke Together with the said Bennet deceased by pattent bearing date the Fifteenth Day of September 1665 Alsoe all that parcell of Land called The Hills lying in Tarneyes Creeke aforesaid in Sasafrax River in Cæcill County Conteyning by Estimacon Four Hundred Acres be the same more or lesse formerly belonging to Philemon Lloyd Gent deceased and by him bought of one Richard Leake And also all that Plantacon tract or parcell of Land lying on the East side of Chesepeake Bay and in a River called Sasafrax River and in a Creeke called Bennetts Creeke in Cæcill County aforesaid in the south East branch of the Creeke on the North side of the branch Neare the head of the Branch Begining at a marked Red Oake in the woods by the head of a Valley and returning south west and by south to a marked white oake standing by the side of a branch seaventy five pches by a line drawne from the said white oake and Running south East up a long with the branch for length Three Hundred and twenty pches by a line drawne from the End of the south ^said^ East line and running North East and by North seaventy five pches by a line drawne from the end of the North East and by North line and Running North west unto the first bounded red oake Conteyning and layd out for One Hundred and fifty Acres more or lesse called Castles poynt which said Castles land was given to the said Susanna and her Heires by John Darnall Esq.r her late husband deceased Alsoe all that Tract or parcell of land called Henrieta Maria lying in Charles County on the branches of the Easterne branch of Potomack River Begining at a spanish oake on the west side of the North west side and at the mouth of a small branch and runing East for length of One Hundred and sixty pches to a black Oake then North for the length of Five Hundred pches to a Hickery then west for the length of One Hundred and sixty pches to a marked Oake then with a streight line to the first bound tree layd out for Five hundred Acres more or less Graunted unto the said Susanna by pattent bearing date the first day of Aprill 1686 And all that one halfe or moytie undevided of all that Capitall messuage or mansion late in the tenure and occupacon of the said John Darnall deceased and now in the tenure or occupacon of the said Henry Lowe scituate lying and being on the south side of Patuxen River in Calvert County and |
Volume 717, Page 486 View pdf image |
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