Volume 717, Page 463 View pdf image |
453) 463 of Land formerly layd out for M.r William Dares called Grange ^&^ Running Northerly with the fresh Runns Naturall Courses Twelve Hundred & Eighty Perches then East one hundred & sixty Perches then southerly parrallell with the Natural Courses of the Runn foureteene hundred and forty Perches then North West to the first tree Begining at the Exterior tree of M.r Painters land on the west side of the fresh Runn and Running Notherly withe the Naturall Courses of the aforesaid fresh runn Eight hundred perches then south west Two hundred & forty perches then with a streight line drawne to the first Menconed Exterior bounds of M.r Painters land Conteyning in all Two thousand Acres of land according to the Certificate of survey thereof taken and returned into the Land office of the City of S.t Maries the twenty fourth of Jan.ry One thousand six hundred & Eighty And three^ere^ Remaining upon Reccord Together with all Rights Profitts benefitts and priviledges thereunto belonging (Royall mines Excepted) As in and by the said Recited patent relation being thereunto had more plainely and at large it doth and may appeare And Whereas the said George Talbot for a valuable Consideration did purchase of & from Nicholas Painter aforesaid since deceased a tract or parcell of land Called freindship lying at the head of Elke River in the forke Begining (as is mentioned in the said Painters Patent) at a marked red Oake standing on a banke side upon the western side of a branch being the maine North East branch of the River at the path side that goes over the Branch unto Delaware a litle above high water markes & from the said Oake Bounded on the south East by the said Maine branch with a line drawne south west downe the River foure hundred & twenty perches till it intersect a parcell of land before layd out for John Browning and Richard Nash & from thence bounded on the south west with the said land by a line drawne North west five hundred thirty foure perches from the End of the North west line by a line drawne North East foure hundred & twenty perches & from the End of the North East line by a streight line to the first bounded Red oake Conteyning and layd out ac^c^ording to Certificate of survey bearing date the twenty Eighth of February 1678 for foureteene hundred acres of land more or lesse As by the Conveyance from the said Nicholas Painter to the said George Talbot & his heires Remainig upon Reccord in the County Court of Cæcill County and by the patent to the said Nicholas Painter last before Mentioned Relacon thereunto being severally had more Plainely and at large it doth & may appeare Now this Indenture witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sume of foure and thirty thousand pounds of Tobacco to him the said George Talbot in hand well and truely payd or secured to be payd at and before the Ensealeing and delivery hereof by the said Philip Lynes The receipt whereof he the said George Talbot doth hereby acknowledge accordingly and himselfe to be thereof and therewith fully satisfied and thereof & of Every part thereof doth Clearly acquite exonerate and discharge the said Philip Lynes his Heirs Executors & administrators and every of them forever by these presents They the said George Talbot and Sarah his wife have graunted bargained sold Aliened Enffeoffed and Confirmed & by these presents doe fully Clearly and absolutely graunt bargaine sell alien Enfeoffe and Confirme unto the said Philip Lynes & his Heirs All that the aforesaid tract or parcell of Land called Bellaconell And also part of the land called freindship before Mentioned which part begins at a Marked Oake at the head of a small Muddy Cove or Creeke Next above the dwelling House of one Simon Johnston a Finlander and Running thence due North about twelve pole to the Road that Leads from Turky poynt to Newcastle upon Delaware thence due East two hundred & forty pole to a hickery sapplin by the Road side Markt with twelve Notches thence North west Two Hundred sixty two perches thence North East Two hundred Eighty two poles or perches thence south East Two hundred Ninety foure pole to the west south west Angle of the aforesaid Tract called Bellaconell thence continued South East two hundred & forty poles to the first bounded tree of freindship aforesaid when it was first surveyed & thence a long the Channell of Elke River to the Mouth of the Cove above Mentioned And thence along the said Cove to the first Mentioned oake at the head of the said Creeke or Muddy Cove Conteyning Eight hundred & twenty three Acres be the same more or lesse And it is hereby declared That if the tract Included to him ^within^ the last Mentioned Bounds doe Conteyne any more acres then the said Eight hundred twenty three acres they are intended to passe by this Graunt to what Number of Acres soever the same be And all and Every Ho^u^ses outhouses Edifices buildings Timber & timber trees profitts Comodities Advantages & appurtenances whatsoever to the said Tracts & parcells of Land belonging or in any wise apperteyning And the Reve^r^con & Revercons remainder & remainders |
Volume 717, Page 463 View pdf image |
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