Volume 717, Page 448 View pdf image |
448 (438 and Before all Lords Judges and Justices the said Constituants rights and Interest in and to the pmisses and Everÿ part and parcell thereof To Mainteine and Justifie and what the said attorney shall Lawfully Doe in the p.rmisses I will hold for good and stable in witness whereof I have hereunto put mÿ hand & seale this 18.th daÿ of June 1687 sealed and delivered in the p.rsence of us Jn.o Purvis (sealed Matt Kemp Chr Robinson John Powell Charles Deanish Middx fs July 4.th 1687 Proved in Court by the oathes of M.r Mathew Kempe & Christ.r Robinson Recorded Tet Ch Robinson Cl Cur Memorandum Sept.r 17.th 1687 Came John Powell one of the Witnesses to the within Le.r of attorneÿ and made oath that he saw the above Named John Purvis sign seale and as his act & Deed Deliver the Lre of attornÿ aforsaid for the used Intents and purposes within mentioned Edw Boothbys Cler Cur prov.lis Bÿ this Publick Instrument of Procuration or Letter of atturneÿ Bee itt Known and Manifest unto all people that on the Ninth Daÿ of the Month of November Anno Dimi 1686 and in the second ÿeare of the Reign of o.r soveraign Lord James The second King of England &c Before me William Scoreÿ Natary & tabellion Publick by Royall authoritÿ admitted & sworn Dwelling in London and in the Presence of the wittnesses afternamed Personnally appeare M.r William Rousbÿ of London aforesaid m.rchant unto me Notarÿ well Known and hath Made ordained and in his stead and place hath putt and Constituted and bÿ these p.rsents Doth Make ordaine and in his stead and place Doth put and Constitute M.r Thomas Ellwes of London M.rchant Now bound for Marÿland his true and Lawfull atto^r^neÿ Giveing unto him full power authoritÿ and speciall Charge For and in the Name and to the use of him Constituant to aske Demand sue for recover & receive of and from all & singular such p.rson or p.rsons whom it doth or Maÿ Concern in Mariland aforsaid all and singular such sume and sumes of Monÿ Debts Goods wares M.rchandizes Effects and things whatsoever as are due oweing belonging & appertaining unto the said Constituant for what cause or reason soever the same Mony bee Nothing Excepted Nor reserved with Costs Domages & Interests and |
Volume 717, Page 448 View pdf image |
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