Volume 717, Page 365 View pdf image |
365 (356 The Deposition of Richard Moore sen.r aged seaventy yeares or thereabouts Sworn saith that being in London and att the House of M.r Thomas Weston Ironmonger in the yeare 1620 he was from thence transported to New Plymouth in New England and about two yeares and a half after the said Depon.ts arrivall att Plymouth aforesaid the above mentioned Thomas Weston sent over a ship upon his p.rper accompt with Passengers to settle in the Massachusetts Bay now called Braintree but soon after they deserted the same by reason of Indians & Sicknesse And within a short space of time after the above said Weston personally came over from London to Plymouth in New England and made his aboad there some time and traded from thence into Virginia and Maryland And att that time the said Deponent knew that the said Thomas Weston had and was possessed of Two Plantations the one in Yorke River in Virginia att a place called Cheesecake The other in Maryland att West S.t Maryes by Georges Island and heretofore were comonly known to be in the tenure & occupation of these persons hereunder Exprest viz.t M.r Wilkinson M.r Dent Merch.t &c and they all acknowledged the said Weston to be the true proprietor and lawfull owner of said plantations And further that the said Deponent knew Elizabeth Weston now Elizabeth Connant of Marble head to be the reputed and only child of the said Thomas Weston Jur cor me 27.th Sep.t 1684 S Bradstreet Gov.rn.r Boston in New England These are to certifie all whom it doth or any wayes may concern y.t Elizabeth Connant Relict Widdow of Roger Connant late of Marble head in New England aforesaid deced and the reputed Daughter and only child of M.r Thomas Weston of the Citty of London in the Kingdome of England Ironmonger (according to the testimonys here unto affixed) appeared before me Simon Bradstreet Esq.r Governour of his Majestyes Collony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England on the day of the date of these p.rsents in very good health & owned the Letter of Attorney hereunto annexed to be her act & deed Alsoe these are to certifie that William Hawthorne who hath subscribed his name to some of the Testimonyes hereunto affixed was on the day of the date thereof one of the Majestrates of the aforesaid Collony and had power to administer oathes in this and other like cases & therefore full faith and creditt is & ought to be given thereunto In Testemony whereof att the request of the abovenamed Elizabeth Connant I have hereunto sett my hand and caused the publique seal of the said Collony of the Massachusetts Bay to be hereunto affixed the 27.th day of Sep.t Anno Domini one Thousand six hundred Eighty & Four Annoq PP.s Caroli Secundi nunc Angliæ &c Tricessimo sexto S Bradstreet Gov.rn.r Memorandum That I the [aforenamed] John Connant by vertue of the power to me [before] granted and for the acting and prosecuting the intent of the same have steed nominated and appo.ted Thomas Burford Attor Gen.rll of y.e Province of Maryland Rob.t Carvile & Antho Underwood Gent two of y.e Attor of the Provin.ll Court of the s.d Province to plead manage and p.rsente all matters & things relating to Law in order to y.e recovering y.e Right of y.e [w.thin] named Eliz.a Connant to any Lands Tenem.ts & heriditam.ts in y.e Pro of Maryland witnesse my hand this 27.th ^of^ March 1685 Witnesse Tho Grunwin Clk pro.ll Co.rt John Conant Recorded the 9.th of Aprill 1686 p Jam Heath Clk |
Volume 717, Page 365 View pdf image |
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