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(115) 124 Determinacon in the matt.rs aforesaid of such persons soe to bee nominated authorized and appointed by us as aforesaid Now Wee being willing to Comply wth the said Mutuall Earnest mutuall and reasonable request of the said Attornyes on both sides and much considering as Well in the Knowledge skill and abillity as in the fedillity honesty and Impartiallity of you The said Thomas Trueman Richard Ladd and Charles Boteler Have therefore thought free and doe hereby Nominate authorize and appoint You the said Thomas Trueman Richard Ladd and Charles Boteler or any Two of you To meet at such time or times place or places as to you or any Two of you shall seeme Fitt to heare all such Megacons arguments debates proofes Evidences and Witnesses as by the seav.ll parties aforesaid or theire respective Attornyes shall bee produced before you Whereby the Truths of the said matters in Controversie between the parties aforesaid may bee made more manifest unto You And wee doe hereby will and require That the said parties or theire Attornyes doe from time to time observe and attend you at such place or places as You or any Two of you shall appoint to hear the matters aforesaid untill the same shall by you or any Two of you bee wholly determined And Wee further Will and Comand that what you or any Two of you shall upon Consideracon of the whole matter soe to bee heard by You or any Two of you as aforesaid Conclude and adjudge in Reason Justice and equity to bee done or paid by either party plantiffe or Defendant according to the true merrit of the Cause That the same fairely Written and by You or any Two of you signed and sealed You Cause as the Result of your Judgment and determinacon in y.e premisses to bee Transmitted to the Justices of our provinciall Court at our Court to bee held the Fifth day of March next to the Intent the same may bee Rattified and Confirmed by our said Court According to the speciall Instance and request made by the Attornyes on both sides as aforesaid And wee doe further Authorize you to administer Oath or Oaths To any Witnesse or Witnesses That shall bee produced to you in relacon to the premisses For all which actings and doeings before menconed This shall bee Your sufficient Warrant Witnesse Our Trusty and Well beloved Thomas Notley Esq Our Leiu.t Gen.ll and Cheife Governo.r of our said Province of Maryland the seaventeenth day of October In the third Yeare of our Dominion &c Annoq Domini one thousand Six hundred seaventy Eight On the back side of the aforegoing Comission was thus written Viz The execution of this Comission appears by seav.ll scedules hereunto Annexed Thomas Truman sealed Richard Ladd sealed C Boteler sealed To the Hono.ble Thomas Notley Esqr Leiu.t Gen.ll and Cheife Governo.r of Maryland and the rest of his associates Justices of the provinicall Court These are humbly to Certifie your Hono.rs That by vertue of a Comission Issued out of the same Court bearing date y.e seaventeenth day of October 1678 Directed to us Thomas Truman Esqr Richard Ladd and Charles Boteler Gentlemen To hear and determine all matters and differences in Question Between Job Nutt platiffe and Henry Jowles and Sybell his Wife Exec.ix of William Groome deceased Defendants in One accon at Law depending between the said parties And alsoe in Our suite in Chancery between the said Henry Jowles and Sybell the Wife Exec.ix of the said William Groome plantiffes And Job Nutt and Michael Tawny Defendants By vertue of w.ch Comission Wee or any Two of us should meet at such time or times and place or places as to us or any Two of us should seeme fitt to hear all such Allegacons arguments Debates proofes Evidences and Witnesses by the seaverall parties aforesaid or theire respective Attorneys should bee produced before Us Whereby the Truth of the matter in Controversie Between |
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