Volume 717, Page 1 View pdf image |
1 Know all men by these p.rsents That I Gertrude Anderton of [illegible] Lancaster Widdow sole Exec.r of the last Will & Testament of John Anderton [illegible] my late Husband deceased have made Ordained Constituted And by these p.rsents do make Ordaine Constitute & Appoint Thomas Taylor of little Choptank in the County of Dorsett in the Province of Maryland in America Gentl Alexander Laramore of the [illegible] Creeke in Great Choptanck River in the County of Talbott Planter And George [illegible] of Liverpoole aforesaid Gentl my lawfull Attorneys joyntly or severally [illegible] & to my use to ask demand sue for Recover al such Rents [illegible] oweing & due to my said Husband att the tyme of his death from any person or persons whatsoever in the Province of Maryland or elsewhere in America And sue forth Good Wares Merchandizes Cattles Chattells Utensell & household stuff as are [illegible] Custody or possession of any such person or persons as aforesaid which [illegible] unto me by vertue of my said Executorshipp And the same for me [illegible] & make Sale of all their owne discretion they giveing unto me a true [illegible] the same And further I doe hereby Authorize the said Thomas Taylor Alexander Laramore & George Barber or two of them my Attorneys for me & in my name to Enter into a certaine Plantacon lying in Harris Creeke in the said [illegible] containing seaven hundred acres or thereabouts with their Appurtenances [illegible] Devised & Granted unto me by my late Husband in his last Will & Testament [illegible] to Aske Levy Recover & Receive for me & in my name of all Tenant or Tenants [illegible] p.rmisses all such Rents profitts & Arrearages of Rent thereof riseing or growing And the same p.rmisses every or any parcell thereof to the said Tenant or Tenants [illegible] person or persons in my name to Demise Grant sett & lett to farm [illegible] comodity for terme of yeares not exceeding the terme of five yeares so [illegible] or otherwise in my name att the discretion of my said Attorneys And [illegible] name to Sell & upon Sale to putt All that parcell of land lying & being in [illegible] said Province of Maryland conteyning Eight hundred acres or thereabouts [illegible] & trees thereupon growing (likewise Devised unto me by my said Husband in his last Will & Testam.t with power to sell the same) to any person or persons as to my said [illegible] thought meet & requisite And the moneys or other Consideracon thereby [illegible] given for me in my name & to my use to aske take & receive And also [illegible] writings in this behalfe in my name to make Seal & deliver And finally [illegible] name to doe performe expedite Accomplish & finish all & every other thing & things Act & Acts whatsoever touching or concerning the aforesaid p.rmisses or any [illegible] fully & wholy as I might should or ought to doe if I were then & there personally [illegible] all & whatsoever my said Attorneys for me in my name & to my use as aforesaid shall be or cause to be done in & about the aforesaid p.rmisses or any part thereof by virtue of these p.rsents I the said Gertrude Anderton shall & will stand to Justifie [illegible] these p.rsents In wittness whereof I have hereto putt my hand & seal the [illegible] August Anno regni Regis Caroli secundi nine Anglie &c Vicisimo Octavo [illegible] (Ayle Anglie) One Thousand six hundred seaventy & six Sealed & delivered in the p.rsence of us Gertrude Anderton Executrix W.m Gauge Tho Warmingham Ego Notarius publicus infra script testor [illegible] debit modo fact & execut a pud Leverpoole p.rdict [illegible] siguat suar & nomonsuccur subscript die & Anno [illegible] Sam Fazakerley [illegible] Decemb.r 2.d 1676 |
Volume 717, Page 1 View pdf image |
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