post in the center of the stream at the southwest corner
of Lot No. 50 as laid out on plat of the Orme
Subdivision of the Kerr lands, as recorded in Liber
D.R.H. No. 109, folio 229, one of the Land record Books
for Caroline County, Maryland, thence running with the
east side of said Second Street Extended south 9 degrees
west 350 feet to an iron post, thence south 81 degrees
east 300 feet to an iron post, thence south 81 degrees
east 300 feet to an iron post, thence north 9 degrees
east 280 feet to an iron post in the center of said
stream, thence westerly with the center of said stream to
the place of beginning, CONTAINING TWO AND FORTY-TWO
ONE-HUNDREDTHS (2.42) ACRES of land, more or less.
PARCEL NO. 2 - BEGINNING for the same at the
southwest corner of the land conveyed by William S. Orme
and Martha B. Orme, his wife, to James A. Wise and
Dorothy D. Wise, his wife, by deed dated April 1, 1955,
and recorded among the Land Records for Caroline County,
Maryland, in Liber D.R.H. No. 125, folio 329, and running
with same in an easterly direction 300 feet, thence
southerly and parallel with said Second Street Extended
100 feet, thence westerly and parallel with the first
line hereof 300 feet to the East side of said Second
Street Extended 100 feet, thence westerly and parallel
with the first line hereof 300 feet to the east side of
said Second Street Extended, thence with the same in a
northerly direction to the place of beginning, CONTAINING
whatsoever quantity of land it may.
SATE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM all that part of Parcel
No. 1 as mentioned and described in a deed from the said
James A. Wise et. al. to The Commissioners of Denton
dated April 21, 196ft, and recorded among the Land Records
for Caroline County, Maryland, in Liber D.R.H. No. 153,
folio 375, described as follows: BEGINNING for the same
at a point on the east line of Second Street, 50 feet
wide as now laid out and existing, said point being at
the centerline of an existing culvert and stream, and
running thence in the meridian of the stream with and
along said east line of Second Street, south 9 degrees
west 108 feet to a point, thence leaving said east line
of Second Street and running south 81 degrees east 95
feet to a point, thence north 9 degrees east 75 feet,
more or less, to intersect the centerline of a stream,
thence with and along the centerline of said stream 115
feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, CONTAINING
8,554 SQUARE FEET, or 0.196ft acres, more or less. It
being the same land described in a deed to The Delmarva
District of The Wesleyan Church, Inc. recorded in Liber
M.C.B. No. 170, folio 401, among the Land Records of
Caroline County, Maryland.
ft. Dunn and Harper Lands on Second Street