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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4403   View pdf image
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community, and for the protection of the lives and
property of the citizens, and suppress, abate and
discontinue, or cause to be suppressed, abated or
discontinued, all nuisances within the corporate limits
of said town, they may pass all ordinances or by—laws
from time to time necessary; and to insure the observance
of such ordinances, in addition to the action of debt or
such other civil remedies as may exist in such cases by
law for the recovery of the penalties thereunto affixed,
they may affix thereto such reasonable fines, not
exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) in any case, as to them
may appear right, and in default of the payment of any
fine imposed, they may provide for the imprisonment of
the offenders for a period not exceeding thirty (30)
days, or until the fines are paid;] provided that no
ordinance shall be adopted except by a yea and nay vote,
and the names of the members of commissioners voting for
and against the same shall be entered in the minutes.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Commissioners of Bel
Air, Maryland, That [Section 121 of the Charter of the
Town of Bel Air, entitled "Penalties" and providing for
fines not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in any
one case, or imprisonment in the Harford County Jail for
a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both be and
hereby is eliminated] because Section 121 is hereby
repetitive of Section 118, as amended herein.

Commissioners of Bel Air, That the date of the adoption
of this resolution is the 28th day of October 1974, and
the Amendment of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air
hereby enacted shall become effective on the 13th day of
December, 1974, unless proper Petition for Referendum
hereon shall be filed as permitted by law, provided, that
a complete and exact copy of this Resolution shall be
continuously posted on the bulletin board at the Town
Office until the 13th day of December, 1974; and provided
further that a copy of the title of this Resolution shall
be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
Town of Bel Air, once in each of four (4) successive
weeks hereafter.

Chairman of the Commissioners is hereby specifically
enjoined to carry out the provisions of Section 2 hereof,
and as evidence of such compliance, the said Chairman
shall cause to be affixed to the minutes of this meeting
appropriate certificates of publication of the newspaper
or newspapers in which the title of this Resolution shall
have been published and shall declare the Charter
Amendment hereby enacted to be effective by affixing his


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4403   View pdf image
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