A Resolution of the Commissioners of Bel Air to
amend the Charter of Bel Air by amending Section 118 of
said Charter entitled "Ordinances: How Passed, Penalties"
to provide for fines not exceeding [one thousand dollars
($1,000.00)] ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) in any one
case or imprisonment in Harford County Jail for a period
NOT exceeding ninety (90) days, or both, instead of fines
not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) ...and in default of
the payment of any fine imposed...imprisonment... for a
period not exceeding thirty (30) days or until the fines
are paid, and by deleting from the Charter of Bel Air,
Section 121, entitled "Penalties" and providing for "a
fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) in any
one case, or imprisonment in the Harford County Jail for
a period not exceeding ninety (90) days or both"; because
that section is in conflict with new Section 118 of the
Charter of Bel Air as it will be amended.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of Bel Air,
Maryland, That Section 118 of the Charter of the Town of
Bel Air is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 118. Ordinances; how passed, penalties.
In order to enable the Commissioners of Bel Air to
fully exercise the power conferred upon then by this
Charter and to enable then to better promote and preserve
the public health, safety and welfare, the Commissioners
of Bel Air may pass all ordinances or by—laws that are
from time to time necessary; and to insure the
observation of any ordinances passed by the Commissioners
in exercise of any power granted then by this Charter or
by the State of Maryland, the Commissioners may affix
thereto such fine or punishment, not exceeding [One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)] OWE HUNDRED DOLLARS
($100.00) in any one case, or imprisonment in Harford
County Jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days,
or both as the Commissioners shall decide; provided that
no ordinance shall be adopted except by a yea and nay
vote, and the names of the Commissioners voting for and
against the same shall be entered in the minutes; and the
following paragraph shall be deleted from Section 118 of
said Charter:
[For the purpose of carrying out the powers
conferred by this Charter, and for preservation of the
cleanliness, health, peace and good order of the