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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4396   View pdf image
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posted on the bulletin board at the Town office until the
29th day of May, 1974; and provided further that a copy
of the title of this Resolution shall be published in a
newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Bel Air,
once in each of four (6) successive weeks hereafter.

Section 3. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the
Chairman of the Commissioners is hereby specifically
enjoined to carry out the provisions of Section 2 hereof,
and as evidence of such compliance, the said Chairman
shall cause to be affixed to the minutes of this meeting
appropriate certificates of publication of the newspaper
or newspapers in which the title of this Resolution shall
have been published, and shall declare the Charter
Amendment hereby enacted to be effective by affixing his
signature hereto in the space provided on the effective
date of such Amendment.

Section 4. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, as soon
as the Charter Amendment hereby enacted shall become
effective, either as herein provided or in due course of
law following a Referendum, said Chairman shall send
separately by registered mail to the Secretary of State
of Maryland, and to the Department of Legislative
Reference of Maryland, a clear certified copy of the text
of Section 105 of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air
being part of Article 13 of the Public Local Laws of
Harford County, as revised by the Amendment hereby
enacted, and a certified copy of this Resolution showing
the number of Commissioners voting for and against it,
and a report on the votes cast for or against the
Amendment hereby enacted by any Referendum thereon and
the date of such Referendum.

Approved: April 8, 1974


RESOLUTION of the Commissioners of Bel Air to amend
Section 106 of the Charter of the Town of Bel Air, so as
to add subsection (f) to provide for the use of Absentee
Ballots in general and special elections of the Town.

Section 1. BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of
Bel Air that Section 106 of the Charter of the Town of


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 4396   View pdf image
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