prescribed minimum number of names.
(c) If the position to be filled is then
held by an incumbent judge who is
eligible for and desires reappointment,
the Commission, with the prior approval
of the Governor, may submit a list with
less than the prescribed minimum number
of names.
6. Commission Procedures
(a) Each Commission shall operate under
procedures specified in rules adopted by
the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals
consistent with this Executive Order.
(b) Upon notification by the Secretary that
a vacancy exists or is about to occur in
a judicial office for which a Commission
is to make nominations, the Commission
shall seek and review applications of
proposed nominees for the Judicial
office. The Commission shall notify the
Maryland State Bar Association, Inc. and
other appropriate bar associations of
the vacancy, and shall request
recommendations from them. The
Commission may also seek a
recommendation from interested citizens
and from among its own members.
(c) The Commission shall evaluate each
proposed nominee. It shall select and
nominate to the Governor the names of
persons it finds to be legally and most
fully professionally qualified. No
person's name may be submitted unless he
has been found legally and most fully
professionally qualified by a vote of a
majority of the entire authorized
membership of the Commission, taken by
secret ballot.
(d) The Commission shall report to the
Governor, in writing, the names of the
persons it nominates as legally and
fully professionally qualified to fill a
vacancy. The names of persons shall be
listed in alphabetical order. The
report shall be submitted within 70 days
after notification by the Commission's
Secretary that a vacancy exists or is
about to occur. The Commission shall