program that would meet the requirements of the Federal
Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.
Furthermore, this Body needs to know what type of
programs are needed to meet the additional needs for
coastal zone management in Maryland and a report that
identifies the status of development of Maryland's
coastal zone management program; now, therefore, be it
this Body requests the Department of Natural Resources to
prepare a report to be presented to the Legislative
Council by October 15, 1975, describing the requirements
for development of the coastal zone program that would
meet the requirements of the Federal Coastal Zone
Management Act of 1972; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources.
Approved April 22, 1975.
No. 27
(Senate Joint Resolution 53)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
Pensions — Study of State Retirement Systems
[[FOR the purpose of requesting the Legislative Council
to undertake a study of the economic and financial
implications, and the responsiveness to the members'
needs, of the State Retirement Systems under the
direction of the Senate Finance Committee; providing
for funding for the study; and requiring a report of
findings and recommendations of the study.]]
FOR the purpose of requesting the General Assembly to
undertake a study during the 1975 interim of the
economic and financial implications, and the
responsiveness to the members' needs, of the State
Retirement Systems under the direction of a Pension
Study Committee; providing for membership of the
Committee; providing for funding for the study; and
requiring a report of the findings and
recommendations of the study.
WHEREAS, The State Employees' Retirement System, the
Teachers' Retirement System, the State Police Retirement