plight of our senior citizens is not confined to one or
two subdivisions, but is a Statewide problem that needs
concerted Statewide action.
We would be remiss in our obligations to our senior
citizens if we did not grant them this small privilege
throughout this State; now, therefore, be it
this Body requests that Senior Citizens' Discount Cards
be honored in every subdivision of this State; and be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Governor of Maryland , the Commission on Aging, 1123
N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Maryland - 21201 and the
Maryland State Chamber of Commerce, 22 Light Street,
Baltimore, Maryland — 21202.
Approved April 22, 1975.
No. 2 2
(Senate Joint Resolution 34)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
The Depletion of Agricultural Lands
FOR the purpose of requesting that the [[zoning
regulations not require large acreages for home
sites that deplete the remaining]] Departments of
Agriculture, Health and Mental Hygiene and State
Planning study the problem of whether zoning
requirements establishing large acreages for home
sites lead to a depletion of agricultural land.
A little noticed but potentially catastrophic crisis
is nearing public recognition. This is the critical food
shortage that exists throughout the world and even in
some places of America. This crisis is very much like
the energy crisis that has confronted this nation during
the past two years. It involves a natural resource that
we have tended to take for granted, and falsely believe
is inexhaustible.
The number of acres of agricultural land that is
available for planting have been steadily decreasing in
this State. The press of the economic situation facing
the farmer militates against expanding agricultural land.
However, with the present state of growing technology,