manner that is consistent with the laws of this State
relating to air pollution, water pollution and land use;
(iv) Contain adequate information of the existing
sewage treatment capacity within each drainage basin or
sewage treatment plant service area within the county,
the present level of use within each drainage basin and
projections for use of sewage treatment plant capacity
based upon outstanding building permits and subdivision
plats, or, where the county does not have or is not
utilizing subdivision authority, projections based upon
zoning commitments.
(v) Delineate with all practical precision those
portions of the county which community and multiuse water
supply systems, community and multiuse sewerage systems
and community solid waste disposal systems may reasonably
be expected to serve within the succeeding ten—year
period, and any portions in which the provision of such
services is not reasonably foreseeable, taking into
consideration all related aspects of planning, zoning,
population estimates, engineering, and economics, and all
State, regional, municipal and local plans;
(vi) Establish procedures for delineating and
acquiring, on a time schedule pursuant to subsection 4
(iv) [4(v)] above, necessary rights—of—way or easements
for community water supply, community sewerage or
community solid waste disposal systems or acceptance
(vii) Set forth a time schedule and proposed methods
of financing the construction and operation of each
programmed community water supply, community sewerage or
community solid waste disposal system or solid waste
acceptance facility, together with the estimated cost
(viii) Be submitted to official planning agencies
having jurisdiction, including comprehensive planning
agencies with areawide jurisdiction, if such exist; for
review as to consistency with programs of planning for
the area; fin Prince George's County be transmitted to
the Maryland—National Capital Park and Planning
Commission. The Sanitary Commission shall not thereafter
submit the county plans to the governing bodies until it
shall have received from said Park and Planning
Commission its comment and recommendations on the
proposed programs or until thirty days shall have passed,
whichever shall be sooner. If the Park and Planning
Commission shall recommend any changes, deletions, or
designations for limited access in the proposed county
plans, it shall state its reasons therefor, in writing,
and the Sanitary Commission shall reexamine its proposed