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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3447   View pdf image
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programmed development within the county to the extent
that such inclusion shall promote the public health,
safety and welfare, and county plans may incorporate all
or part of subsidiary plans covering multicounty areas;
provided that such subsidiary plans are approved by the
governing body by each county concerned. If the
governing body of Harford County does not approve and
incorporate in the county plan all or part of the
subsidiary plan of the towns, municipal corporations, and
sanitary districts within the county, the governing body
of the county shall advise the Department in writing of
such fact and the specific reasons therefor. Upon the
request of either the governing body of the county or the
town, municipal corporation, or sanitary district, the
Department thereafter shall have the authority to
arbitrate and determine whether or not to approve and
incorporate all or part of [such] THE subsidiary plan in
the county plan.

3. In accordance with applicable regulations
adopted by the State Board of Health and Rental Hygiene
pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, each county
plan shall delineate those areas where—-

(I)  Community water supply systems must be provided;

(II)  [Multiuse] MULTI—USE water supply system may be

(III)    Individual water supply systems may be
installed and used during an interim period, pending the
availability of a programmed community water supply
system. In Harford County, within the areas outlined in
the county plan to receive a community water supply
system within ten years, any new subdivisions approved
after June 1, 1972, must have a county—approved water
distribution system as a prerequisite for the issuance of
building and zoning permits.

(IV)   Individual water supply systems may be
installed and used for an indefinite period. In Harford
County, within the areas outlined in the county plan to
receive a community water supply system within ten years,
any new subdivisions approved after June 1, 1972, must
have a county-approved water distribution system as a
prerequisite for the issuance of building and zoning

(V)  Community sewerage systems must be provided;

(VI)  Multiuse sewerage system may be installed;

(VII)  Individual sewerage systems may be installed
and used during an interim period, pending availability


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Session Laws, 1975
Volume 716, Page 3447   View pdf image
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