(Frederick County)
WHEREAS, the consent of more than 25 percent of the
registered voting residents and 25 percent of the real
property owners of the area of land known as "Meadow
View" which is more particularly described in Plat Book
4, Folio 11, one of the land records of Frederick County,
Maryland, have consented to the annexation of such land
by the Burgess and Commissioners of Woodsboro.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the area of land
known as "Meadow View" which is more particularly
described as in Plat Book 4, Folio 11, one of the plat
records in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
for Frederick County, Maryland, be added to the corporate
limits of the Burgess and Commissioners of Woodsboro and
that the persons and property therein be generally
subject to the provisions of the charter of the Burgess
and Commissioners of Woodsboro; and be it further,
RESOLVED, that a notice describing such proposed
annexation be") published, and that a public hearing be
held on the proposed annexation, as required by law.
APPROVED: August 9, 1971.
WHEREAS, upon motion duly made, seconded and
unanimously passed, the area of land known as "Woodsboro
Community Park" which is more particularly described in
Liber 877, Folio 311, one of the Land Records of
Frederick County, Maryland, have consented to the
annexation of such land by the Burgess and Commissioners
of Woodsboro.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the area of land
known as "Woodsboro Community Park" which is more
particularly described in Liber 877, Folio 311, one of
the land records of Frederick County, Maryland be added
to the corporate limits of the Burgess and Commissioners