19-J; thence (82) N. 24° 10' 21" E. 1592.54 feet to Stone
No. 23, said Stone No. 23 being 50 feet northerly of
centerline P.C.C. Station 299 plus 45.06 as shown on
State Roads Commission Right of Way Plat No. 11712;
thence (83) N. 79° 52' 21" E. 1211.07 feet to Stone No.
24 being 75 feet northerly of centerline Station 387 plus
00, as shown on State Roads Commission Right of Way Plat
No. 12022; thence (84) N. 72° 08' 16" E. 4,248.56 feet to
Stone No, 25, said Stone No. 25 being 75 feet northerly
of centerline Station 245 plus 81.32 as shown on State
Roads Commission Right of Way Plat No. 12600; thence
leaving said Frederick By-Pass, (85) N. 89° 55' 06" E.
2109.46 feet to Stone No. 9, standing on the north side
of East South Street, Extended, near the main entrance of
the M. J. Grove Lime Company plant and also being 14.45
feet south of the centerline of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad track leading to Frederick and 339.5 feet west
of the center of the north—south county road and formerly
leading from M. J. Grove Lime Company Plant to East
Patrick Street, Extended; thence (86) N. 31° 27' 06" E.
838.14 feet to point No. 26, said Point No. 26 being at
the centerline of survey Station 217 plus 76.81, as shown
on the State Roads Commission Right of Way Plat No.
13546; thence (87) N. 31° 27' 06" E. 1417.26 feet to
Point No. 10—A on the centerline of East Patrick Street,
thence with the centerline of East Patrick Street the
following three (3) courses and distances (88) S. 56° 31'
57" E. 2087.04 feet to point No. 10-B; thence (89) S.
62° 15' 23" E. 955.16 feet to point No. 10-C; thence (90)
S. 67° 08' 35" E. 1137.65 feet to Point No. 10-D on the
centerline of East Patrick Street. Thence with the
eastern property line of the former G. Wilson Mercer
property, said Mercer Property recorded in the Land
Records of Frederick County, Liber 494, Folio 464, (91)
N. 14° 59' 15" E. 2234.14 feet to Iron Pipe No. 10-E;
thence with the boundary of the former E. C. Sanner
Property, said Sanner Property recorded in the Land
Records of Frederick County, Liber 346, Folio 298, the
following four (4) courses and distances: (92) N. 14° 58'
E. 889.00 feet to Iron Pipe No. 10-F, thence (93) N. 21°
55' E. 379.00 feet to Iron Pipe No. 10-G, thence (94) N.
72° 15' W. 832,20 feet to Iron Pipe No. 10-H, thence (95)
S. 35° 13' W. 1009.60 feet to Iron Pipe No. 10-I, thence
with the boundary of the Frederick Municipal Airport,
(96) N. 5° 02' 30" E. 389.10 feet to point No. 10-J,
thence (97) N. 40° 47' E. 4346.40 feet to point No. 10-K,
thence (98) N. 49° 13' W. 750.00 feet to point No. 10-L,
thence (99) N. 71° 26' W. 1716.10 feet to point No.
10-M, thence (100) N. 5° 04' W. 657.00 feet to point No.
10-N, said point No. 10-N being on the south bank of the
Monocacy River, thence with the said south and/or west
bank of the Monocacy River (101) S. 73° 17' W. 605.65
feet to point No. 10-0, thence (102) N. 60° 30' W. 554.90
feet to point No. 10—P, said point No. 10—P being the