Thence with the same south 24 degrees 34
minutes 50 seconds west 91.07 feet to a point;
thence south 45 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds west
293.55 feet to a 14 inch red oak tree, south 45
degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds west 219.53 feet to a
20 inch pin oak tree; thence south 42 degrees 55
minutes 20 seconds west 349.80 feet to a pipe set;
thence south 43 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds west
512.34 feet to a 46 inch double oak tree; thence 42
degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds west 509.04 feet to a
point, thence south 36 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds
west 111.05 feet to a point; thence leaving the
northwest side of Greenbriar Road and running with a
line which passes through the aforementioned
conveyance to Louis N. Phipps, north 47 degrees 04
minutes 30 seconds west 342.97 feet to a point on
the northwest side of Bywater Road;
Thence with the same, north 42 degrees 55
minutes 30 seconds east 233.55 feet to an iron pipe;
thence leaving Bywater Road, north 44 degrees 59
minutes west 520.62 feet to a pipe, north 43 degrees
29 minutes west 141.9 feet to a pipe; north 73
degrees 59 minutes west 237.6 feet to a pipe, south
67 degrees 31 minutes west 222.75 feet to a pipe,
south 74 degrees 01 minutes west 138.60 feet to a
pipe, south 84 degrees 31 minutes west 169.12 feet
to a pipe, and north 72 degrees 59 minutes west
153.0 feet to a pipe; thence with the lines of the
conveyance to McEvoy, north 13 degrees 39 minutes 40
seconds east 857.66 feet to a pipe, south 78 degrees
41 minutes 40 seconds east 620.76 feet to a pipe
found at a corner of the 18.8 acre survey made for
John R. Rawlings by J. Revell Carr in January, 1937,
thence north 70 degrees 51 minutes 11 seconds east
8.41 feet to the beginning of the north 37 degrees
34 minutes east 595.0 foot line of the present city
boundary; thence north 37 degrees 34 minutes east
595.0 feet to a point;
Thence north 56 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds
west 567.47 feet to a concrete monument number 11340
set on the north side of an existing private road;
thence north 37 degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds east
13.88 feet to coordinate point number 12235; thence
south 87 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds west 1467.12
feet approximately parallel with 40 foot wide
Fairfax Road and distance 275 feet southerly from
the southerly side thereof to a concrete monument
number 12229, thence north 2 degrees 34 minutes 30
seconds west 500 feet to a concrete monument number
Thence continuing north 2 degrees 34 minutes