35 minutes 40 seconds west 298.89 feet to a pipe set
in the north 3 degree 45 minute west 81 1/4 perch
line of the conveyance from Noah A. Hillman,
Trustee, to Joseph W. Williams by deed dated
November 10, 1947, and recorded among the said land
records in Liber J.H.H. 442, folio 413; thence
leaving the Butler property and running with part of
said 81 1/4 perch line, reversely, and corrected,
south 06 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds east 675.93
feet to a sand stone found; thence still with the
lines, reversely of Williams, as now surveyed and
corrected, north 75 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds
west 1137.45 feet to a pipe set; thence north 42
degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds east 1402.50 feet to a
granite stone found, thence with part of the south
03 degree east 38 1/2 perch line of parcel two in
the conveyance from Fred W. Stehle and Viola, his
wife, to Harry O. Norris and Sallie, his wife, by
deed dated October 20, 1925, and recorded among the
aforesaid land records in Liber W.M.B. 12, folio
314, still with the lines of Williams, south 07
degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds east 149.65 feet to a
pipe; thence with part of the north 80 degree 30
minute east 589.88 foot line of the conveyance from
Dyson to Williams, north 76 degrees 48 minutes 50
seconds east 316.12 feet, thence leaving the
Williams property, north 52 degrees 15 minutes 30
seconds west 724.38 feet approximately parallel with
Forest Drive (formerly Annapolis Neck Road) to a
concrete monument number 12226; thence north 42
degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds west 210.30 feet to an
iron pipe at coordinate point 12226A;
Thence north 27 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds
west 155.55 feet to a concrete monument number
12227; thence north 54 degrees 53 minutes east
229.87 feet to a concrete monument number 11042 in
the Annapolis Neck Road; thence with the approximate
center line of Annapolis Neck Road, north 24 degrees
40 minutes 30 seconds west 248.50 feet to a concrete
monument number 11043 set in the approximate center
line of the aforementioned Annapolis Neck Road;
thence north 40 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds west
972.20 feet to a concrete monument number 11044 in
the said Annapolis Neck Road; thence leaving said
road and running north 27 degrees 50 minutes 10
seconds west 758.90 feet to an iron pipe set on the
east edge of Spa Road as now paved 18 feet wide;
thence north 2 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds west
206.52 feet to a cross cut in the aforesaid Spa Road
paving; thence leaving said Spa Road and running
north 49 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds west 751.50
feet to a concrete monument number 11047; thence
north 48 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds west 193.45