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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 3239   View pdf image
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MARVIN MANDEL, Governor                           3239

WHEREAS, I further proclaimed that, in accordance with
the procedures contained in Article 41, Section 15B
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended by
Chapter 1 of the Acts of 197 3, Second Special
Session, I would promulgate reasonable orders,
Rules and Regulations, as I deem necessary, to
protect the public health, safety and welfare and to
bring the emergency situation under control; and

WHEREAS, A snow storm of unexpected severity has fallen
on the State of Maryland this 8th day of February,
1974 earlier than had been anticipated by the
weather bureau; and

WHEREAS, As a result both arterial highways and secondary
roads and streets have become impassable thereby
preventing people from doing their normal Friday
shopping for food for the weekend; and

WHEREAS, The official weather forecast indicates
continuing snow and/or freezing weather for
Saturday, February 9, 1974, precluding effective
snow removal operations on Saturday; and

WHEREAS, As a result, many people will be unable to do
their required weekend shopping for necessary food
supplies on Saturday, February 9, 1974, as well; and

WHEREAS, Existing law requires that retail stores engaged
in the sale of food and non-alcoholic beverages
either be completely closed on Sunday or operate on
a limited basis with a limited number of employees;

WHEREAS, The inability of persons to obtain such food
supplies on both Friday and Saturday will create
severe hardships for many people in the State if, in
compliance with existing requirements, such food
stores remain closed on Sunday, February 10, 1974;

WHEREAS, Unless those requirements of law are suspended
temporarily, persons needing fool supplies will be
required. to travel longer distances to find stores
open on Sunday, thereby using additional gasoline;

WHEREAS, In addition, there is likely to be queuing at
such stores, creating jammed parking lots and
traffic jams around the few stores that may legally
remain open, thereby creating a further waste of
gasoline; and

WHEREAS, Under these circumstances, the existing


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Session Laws, 1974
Volume 713, Page 3239   View pdf image
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