MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 17
assessment when due or fails to comply with the plan of
operation. As an alternative, the Commissioner may levy
a fine on any member insurer which fails to pay an
assessment when due. Such fine shall not exceed 5% of
the unpaid assessment per month, except that no fine
shall be less than $100 per month.
(3) Revoke the designation of any servicing
facility if he finds claims are being handled
shall take effect July 1, 1974.
Approved February 11, 1974.
(Senate Bill 133)
AN ACT concerning
Estates and Trusts Article
FOR the purpose of adding a new Article to the Annotated
Code of Maryland, to be designated and known as the
"Estates and Trusts Article" to revise, restate, and
recodify the laws of this State relating and
pertaining to the administration of the estate of a
decedent, including all matters pertaining to the'
execution and probate of a sill, the administration
of an intestate estate, the duties and powers of a
personal representative, the structure and
compensation of the officers of the court in which
administration is held, the manner in which claims
are made against an estate, the distribution of the
assets of an estate whether under will or intestacy,
the closing of an estate, and generally to all
functions and aspects of the administration of an
estate of a decedent; relating to the protection and
administration of the property of a minor or a
disabled person, the procedure for the appointment
of a guardian, and the powers and duties of the
guardian, including the termination of a
guardianship, and generally relating to all
provisions and functions for the administration and
protection of the property of a miner or disabled
person; relating to the powers, duties, and
functions of a trustee, created by will or by inter
vivos transaction, stating the compensation