1973] OF THE SENATE 75
Annapolis, Maryland, Wednesday, August 15, 1973.
12:00 o'clock Noon Session.
The Senate met at 12:00 o'clock noon.
Prayer by Rev. Charles I. Wallace, Sr., Calvary United Methodist
Church, Annapolis, Md.
Present at roll call were the following Senators:
President, Mrs, Abrams, Bailey, Bauman, Bertorelli, Bishop, Blount, Boyer, Bozick,
Byrnes, Clark, Coolahan, Crawford, Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Finney, Goodman, Hall,
Hodges, Hoyer, Lapides, Lipin, Malkus, Mason, McAuliffe, McGuirk, Mitchell, Mrs.
Nock, Pascal, Pine, Mrs. Schweinhaut, Smelser, Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Steers,
Steinberg. Stone, Thomas, Mrs. Welcome, Wilson. Total—42
The journal of Friday, August 3, 1973 was read and approved.
The Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates appeared and delivered the
following message.
Senator Snyder moved, duly seconded, to suspend the Rules so that
House Bill No. 1 may be referred to the Committee on Economic Affairs.
Said motion prevailed by yeas and nays by roll call as follows:
President, Bailey, Bauman, Bishop, Blount, Boyer, Bozick, Byrnes, Clark, Coolahan,
Crawford, Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Finney, Hall, Hodges, Hoyer, Lapides, Lipin,
Mason, McGuirk, Mrs. Nock, Pascal, Pine, Smelser, Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Stone,
Thomas, Mrs. Welcome, Wilson. Total—33
House Bill No. 1—By the Speaker (Code Revision Commission) :
An Act to add a new Article to the Annotated Code of Maryland, to be
designated and known as the "Natural Resources Article" to revise, restate,
and recodify the natural resources laws of this State, including laws per-
taining to the organization, structure, operations, duties, and authority
of the Department of Natural Resources and its officers, employees and
units, and the Maryland Geological Survey; concerning environmental pro-
grams, fish and fisheries, forests and parks, gas and oil, mines and mining,
water and water resources, wetlands and riparian rights, and wildlife;
dealing generally with the natural resources of this State and the laws
relating thereto; and providing for the enforcement of those laws and
penalties for their violation; to repeal Article 1A, "Aeronautics," Section