30; Article 14B, "State Boat Act," all sections; Article 27, "Crimes and
Punishments," Sections 154, 158, 158½, 235-236, 268-268A, and 578-579,
inclusive; Article 33B, "Environmental Service," all sections; Article 41,
"Governor—Executive and Administrative Departments," Sections 181L-
181X, 232-240, and 447-451, inclusive; Article 43, "Health," Section 228B;
Article 66C, "Natural Resources," Sections 1-6, 11-13G, 13L, 15-33, 110B-
112A, 112C, 115-125, 125A-125B, 126-128, 130-151, 152-162, 163-171, 173-
178, 179-224, 225-227, 230-243, 245-252, 253-271, 273-276, 278-295, 298-
320, 322-326, 328-330, 332-333, 335-336, 339, 341-343, 344A-409, 410,
410J-411AB, 411AD-411AO, 486, 674C, 674D-707, 708-713, 716-731, and
756-771, inclusive; and Article 96A, "Water Resources," Sections 1-3; 6-7,
9-29BC, 29D-30, 37-40, 48-54, 56-74, and 77-126, inclusive; to transfer
Sections 409A-409U of Article 66C, subtitle "Registered Professional For-
esters" to Article 56 of the Code and Sections [[410A-410-I of Article
66C, subtitle "Public Recreation and Parks" to Article 25; to transfer]]
410A, and 410C-410-I, of Article 66C, subtitle "Public Recreation and
Parks" to Article 25; to repeal, re-en,act, with amendments, recodify, and
renumber Section 410B of Article 66C, subtitle "Public Recreation and
Parks," as a new Section 223 of Article 25; to transfer the Mine Reclama-
tion and Water Quality Restoration Loan of 1970 from the Code to the
Session laws; to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 5(V) of
Article 25A of the Code, title "Chartered Counties of Maryland," subtitle
"Express Powers," Section 221A (a) of Article 41, title "Governor—
Executive and Administrative Departments," subtitle "The Department of
Licensing and Regulation," and Section 277 (a) of Article 56, title "Li-
censes," subtitle "Landscape Architects"; to add a new Section 7 A to Arti-
cle 23A, title "Corporations—Municipal," subtitle "In General," and a new
Section 2A to Article 41, title "Governor—Executive and Administra-
tive Departments," subtitle "General Provisions"; providing for the effect,
construction and effective date of provisions of the Act; repealing incon-
sistent laws; providing for the transfer of personnel and property of
certain agencies; and making the Act an emergency measure.
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Eco-
nomic Affairs.
Senator Snyder moved, duly seconded, to suspend the Rules so that
House Bill No. 2 may be referred to the Committee on Finance.
Said motion prevailed by yeas and nays by roll call as follows:
President, Bailey, Bauman, Bishop, Blount, Boyer, Bozick, Byrnes, Clark, Coolahan,
Crawford. Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Finney, Hall, Hodges, Hoyer, Lapides, Lipin,
Mason, McGuirk, Mrs. Nock, Pascal, Pine, Smelser, Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Stone,
Thomas, Mrs. Welcome, Wilson. Total—33
House Bill No. 2—By the Speaker:
An Act making an emergency appropriation for the payment of the
expenses of the General Assembly of Maryland for the Extraordinary
Session of 1973.
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Finance.