House Bill No. 5—By Delegates Owens and Shore:
An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 17-101 of Article
66˝ of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replacement Volume and
1972 Supplement), title "Vehicle Laws," subtitle "Subtitle 17—Penalties
and Disposition of Fines and Forfeitures," to increase the penalty provided
for violation of Section 11-902 (b), relating to driving while ability is im-
Shall the bill pass notwithstanding the objections of the Executive?
The Speaker announced the veto was sustained by roll call.
Mr. Speaker, Briscoe, Mitchell, Athey, Sachs, Thomason, Burkhead, Fallon, Helms,
Allen, A. T., Hagner, Weidemeyer, Rymer, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Dantoni,
Malone, Alperstein, Needle, Rynd, Hopkins, Price, Stroble, Boozer, Latshaw, Linton,
Hutchinson, Jones, Peters, Schirano, Einschutz, Heffner, Rush, Arnick, D'Anna, Minnick
Dize, Merryweather, Startt, Mackie, Dorman, Menes, Ross, Foley, Hull, King, Lombardi,
Redding, Blumenthal, Donovan, Knoll, Miller, Rummage, Hickman, C. M., Hickman,
R. O., Delphey, Hutton, Virts, Cox, Greer, Livezey, Scarff, Hargreaves, Bonvegna,
Dabrowski, Dypski, Krysiak, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Brown, Chester, Douglass,
J. W., Heintz, McCarty, Raymond, Burns, Curran, Hergenroeder, Kent, Kircher,
O'Brien, Robey, Boswell, Brailey, Conaway, Dixon, Douglass, C. A., Randolph,
Abramson, Cardin, Dean, Howell, Resnick, Sklar, Webster, Avara, Baumann, Freeberger,
Murphy. Rutkowski, Weisengoff, Wyatt, Grumbacher, Hoffman, Wagaman, Glaser,
Allen, W. M., Doolan, Levitan, Maddox, McInerney, Robertson, Shore, Becker, Bell,
Docter, Koss, Maurer, Ruben, Zander, Owens, Wiser, Byrnes, Reed, Sloan, Williams.
Beck, Matthews, Burgess, Nichols, Laws, Long, Bolden. Total—135
Annapolis, Maryland, June 1,1973.
Honorable Thomas Hunter Lowe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Constitution,
I have today vetoed House Bill 399.
This bill authorizes the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to
charge federal, state and other agencies, exempt from front foot sewerage
assessments, a special rate in lieu of such assessments.
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission provides sewerage to
Prince George's and Montgomery counties. Front foot assessments are
imposed on all properties connected to the sewerage system, except those
owned by federal and state agencies. This assessment is to cover, inter
alia, the Commission's depreciation expense on the entire system located in
Maryland, including treatment plants, trunk lines, and accessory facilities.
Although serving only Prince George's and Montgomery counties, a
substantial portion of the cost of constructing the Commission's facilities
comes from the State through genera] obligation bonds. In light of such
contributions, I do not believe that the State should be required to pay
an additional assessment. Such payments would constitute, in effect,