completed with the funds specified for each such item respectively.
SECTION 9. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That where Federal funds
may be available to help accomplish any specific projects in this Act, the using
department or agency shall be obligated to seek the allocation of such Federal
funds to apply to the cost of the particular project. In seeking approval of the
Board of Public Works for award of a contract under a specific appropriation
under this Act, the using department or agency shall formally advise the Board of
Public Works that efforts have been made through proper administrative
procedures to obtain such Federal funds, and the reason, if any, why the Federal
funds were not obtained. Availability of Federal funds where allocated is intended
to defray the cost of the approved project, not expand its scope, except in the case
of projects of the Department of Forests and Parks. These latter projects may be
expanded in scope beyond that proposed in the specific appropriation in this Act if
the addition of Federal funds makes this possible, but not beyond the total park
acreage or development contemplated for the State park or recreation area to
which it applies, as evident from the master plan for State parks and recreation
areas as adopted by the Department of Forests and Parks.
SECTION 10. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That if any project listed
in Section 5 of this Act shall not have been contracted for within two (2) years
from the effective date of this Act, then such project shall be deemed to have been
abandoned. If the total loan authorized herein shall have been issued within two (2)
years from the effective date of this Act, then the amount specified herein for said
abandoned project shall be transferred to the Annuity Bond Fund and shall be
applied to the debt service requirements of the State. If, however, the total loan
authorized herein shall not have been issued within two (2) years from the effective
date of this Act, then the total issuable bonds authorized herein shall be reduced
by the amount specified herein for said abandoned project.
SECTION 11. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all funds which may
be appropriated at any time or from time to time by the General Assembly in any
Annual State Budget Bill for the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued
pursuant to this Act shall be deposited in the Annuity Bond Fund by the State
Comptroller to be applied to the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued
pursuant to this Act.
SECTION 12. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That until all of the
interest on and principal of any bonds issued under this Act shall have been paid in
full, there is hereby levied and imposed an annual State tax on each $100 of
assessable property at the rate to be determined in the following manner: On or
before May 1, 1974, and on or before May 1 in each taxable year thereafter, the
Board of Public Works shall certify to the governing bodies of each of the counties
and Baltimore City the rate of State tax on each $100 of assessable property
necessary to produce revenue to meet interest and principal which will be payable
to the close of the next ensuing taxable year on all bonds theretofore issued or
authorized by resolution of the Board of Public Works to be issued, and the
governing bodies of each of the counties and of Baltimore City shall forthwith levy
and collect such tax at such rate.
Provided, however, that the levy or levies required by this section shall not be
made and the tax or taxes shall not be collected in any year to the extent that on
or before May 1, 1974, and on or before May 1 in each taxable year thereafter the
Board of Public Works determines upon a certified statement rendered to the
Board by the State Comptroller that payment of principal and interest on the
bonds issued pursuant to this Act will be met during the ensuing taxable year from
funds appropriated by the General Assembly, as provided in Section 11 of this Act.
Upon, and to the extent of, such determination by the Board of Public Works, the