[[(2)]] [[(1)]] (2) Maryland
Historical Trust:
(a) Contingent upon the Maryland
National Capital Park and
Planning Commission submitting
a request for federal funds for
the project - State's contribution
to match the Maryland National
Capital Park and Planning
Commission funds for renovation
of the Mary Surratt House. Any
federal funds secured for this
project will be shared equally
between the State and the
Commission with the State's
share being used to reduce this
(b) To establish a. Capital Revolving
Fund for Historical Preservation
to provide funds which shall only
be expended with the approval of
the Board of Public Works and
only for the following
purposes:(1) Acquisition of
limited interests and covenants
that relate to the historic or
architectural character of
properties: (2) Purchase, or other
acquisition or restoration, for
resale, subject to appropriate
covenants, of properties intended
for preservation; (3) Loans to
non-profit preservation
foundations and organizations
for the purpose of acquiring and
restoring properties worthy of
perpetuation. In addition, the
proceeds from the resale of any
properties acquired and restored
and funds received from the
repayment of any loans made for
that purpose shall be deposited
in and returned to the Capital
Revolving Account, to constitute
a. continuing revolving fund for
the foregoing purposes. The
Maryland Historical Trust shall
present annually to the Board of
Public Works and to the General
Assembly a report on the status
of this fund and a. proposed
program for the use of the fund
during the following fiscal
year......... 150,000