each duly constituted chamber of commerce within the
fire area.
(c) Such representative shall be selected
in such manner as may be determined by the governing
bodies of the respective citizens' associations,
cities, towns, villages, special taxing areas and
chambers of commerce. However, no person shall be
eligible to serve as a member of the Fire Area
Committee unless he be both an actual resident and
real estate taxpayer within the Kensington Fire Area.
Such representatives so chosen shall be designated
annually in waiting to the Kensington Fire Area
Committee by a duly authorized officer of the
respective citizens' associations, cities, towns,
villages, special taxing areas or chambers of
commerce. Such designation shall have no effect
unless accompanied by a certification that the body
making the same meets the requirements of this section
and that the member so designated is in fact a
resident and real estate taxpayer of the fire area.
(d) The Kensington Fire area Committee
shall meet not later than the first day of December of
the year 1953, and at least annually thereafter, at
such time as may be determined by the members thereof,
for the purpose of electing members of the Kensington
Fire Board, and at such other time, upon the call of
the chairman thereof, as may be necessary to fill any
vacancies occurring in the Fire Board.
(e) The Members of the Fire Area
Committee shall serve without compensation. At its
first meeting, and annually thereafter, the Fire Area
Committee shall elect a chairman and such other
officers as it may deem advisable. The chair Kan shall
serve as such until his successor shall have been duly
chosen and qualified.
SECTION 13. Section 43-4, title "Fire board
created; how constituted," Chapter 43, title "Upper
Montgomery County," of the Montgomery County Code
1965, as amended, is hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, to read as follows:
Sec. 43—1. Fire Board created; how constituted.
There is hereby created a Fire Board to manage
the finances of the Upper Montgomery County Volunteer