205 A.
The following boards, commissions, committees, councils, departments, divisions
and offices of the State government shall be included within the Department of
Employment and Social Services: the Employment Security Administration
established pursuant to § 205F of this article, the Board of Appeals of such
Employment Security Administration, the Social Services Administration
established pursuant to § 205F of this article, the State Board of Social Services,
the Advisory Council on Child Welfare, the Office of Economic Opportunity, [the
State Coordinating Commission on Problems of the Aging,] the Maryland
Veterans Commission, and such other agencies, boards, commissions, committees,
councils or units of government as may hereafter pursuant to law be declared to be
part of the Department of Employment and Social Services.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, That Sections 2(a), 2(c)
and 4(b) of Article 70B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replacement
Volume and 1972 Supplement), title "Commission on the Aging," be and they are
hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(a) There is hereby created as part of the [State Department of Employment
and Social Services] EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT a commission to be known
as the Commission on Aging. The Commission shall consist of seventeen (17)
members, eleven of whom shall be appointed by the Governor [, with the advice of
the Secretary of Employment and Social Services,] for terms of six years. Of the
eleven members appointed by the Governor, one shall be a member of the Senate
of Maryland, one a member of the House of Delegates of Maryland, one a
representative of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, one a
representative of the Baltimore City Medical Society, one a representative of labor,
one a representative of industry, one member who shall be specially knowledgeable
in research, one member who shall be associated with the work of charitable
organizations, and three members who shall be selected because of their interest in
the problems of the aging. Of the said ten members first appointed, two shall be
appointed for terms of two years, two for terms of three years, two for terms of
four years, two for terms of five years and two for terms of six years each. The
Governor [, with the advice of the Secretary of Employment and Social Services,]
shall designate one of said eleven members as chairman of the Commission. In
case of any vacancy, the Governor [, with the advice of the Secretary of
Employment and Social Services,] shall appoint a successor to serve for the
remainder of the unexpired term. Members thereof shall be eligible for
reappointment. Six members of the Commission shall be, ex officio, the Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Director of the Social Services Administration,
the State Superintendent of Schools, the Executive Director of the Employment
Security Administration, the Director of the State Planning Department, and the
Secretary of Employment and Social Services.
(c) Any appointive member of the Commission who without good cause misses
or fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Commission shall be deemed to
have resigned or refused his membership. When the Governor determines there is a
vacancy on the Commission under the provisions of this section, he shall proceed
to fill it for the unexpired term, by appointing thereto I, with the advice of the
Secretary of Employment and Social Services,) a person with the qualifications
specified in this section.