seconds West 67.36 feet to a recovered Town Monument No. 106 thence with a
portion of the South 67 degrees 51 minutes 02 seconds East 510.20 foot line of the
corporate boundary. South 67 degrees 51 minutes 02 seconds East 509.31 feet to a
point in and 54.06 feet from the beginning of the fifth or South 34 degrees 53
minutes 18 seconds West 552.56 foot line of the aforesaid conveyance thence with
said line reversed North 34 degrees 35 minutes 18 seconds East 54.06 feet to a
recovered iron pin, thence with the fourth or South 66 degrees 22 minutes 41
seconds East 795.95 foot line of said conveyance reversed, North 66 degrees 22
minutes 41 seconds West 506.75 feet to the place of beginning and containing
0.692 acres of land, more or less. Being part of the land conveyed by deed of Irvin
Wagner, et al, to W. Howard Skidmore and Matthew W. Witenstein dated March
20, 1972, and recorded among the Land Records of Carroll County in Liber
C.C.C. No. 507, folio 362, etc.
SECTION 2. Be It Further RESOLVED that from and after the effective
date of this Resolution all persons residing within the areas to be annexed shall be
and become residents of the Town of Mount Airy, and subject to the provisions of
the Charter of said Town, and any amendments thereto; and that the real property
so annexed and the personal property thereon shall be subject to the municipal
taxes effective January 1, 1973; and
SECTION 3. Be It Further RESOLVED that this resolution shall become
effective on the 46th day following its enactment.
Introduced this 3rd day of April, 1972 by Harold M. Molesworth, Jr.
Public hearing held at Town Hall, Mt. Airy, on June 12, 1972 at 8:00 P.M.
Advertised - Community Reporter.
Betty Ifert, Clerk
Enacted this 10th day of July, 1972.
Effective the 28th day of August, 1972.
Betty Ifert, Clerk Lewis C. Dixon, Mayor
A Resolution of the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Mount Airy to
enlarge the corporate boundaries of the Town of Mount Airy and thereby amend
the Charter of the Town of Mount Airy.
WHEREAS, At a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of
Mount Airy held on April 3, 1972, a petition was presented in writing signed by
persons who are the owners of certain real estate lying and being contiguous to the
existing corporate boundary lines of the Town of Mount Airy to enlarge the
corporate boundaries of said Town by the annexation of their real property
southeast of said boundaries in the Thirteenth Election District of Carroll County,
Maryland; and