take-line embracing approximately 1200 acres, this take-line being on file with the
State Planning Department. It is the judgment of the General Assembly that this
be the total boundaries of the park and that no plans for development contemplate
acquisition beyond these boundaries.
The Department of Economic and Community Development has caused an
independent economic consultant firm study to be made of the St. Mary's City
historic park, and the study concludes that the plans of the St. Mary's City
Commission are based on excellent research and are economically sound and
recommends the acquisition of the 1200-acre tract for the historic park; now,
therefore, be it
the St. Mary's City Commission be requested to proceed in the acquisition of all
lands within its approved take-line by any and all appropriate methods of land
acquisition, using every reasonable effort to ameliorate any hardship or disruptive
effects upon property owners, including adoption and implementation of policies of
acquisition and control of land that enables private property owners to remain on
their lands for the maximum time possible consistent with orderly development and
that in any proposed revision of traffic patterns every reasonable effort will be
made to avoid adverse impacts on residents within or near the park; and, be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the members of the St.
Mary's City Commission, the County Commissioners of St. Mary's County, the
Secretary of the Department of Transportation, the Administrator of the State
Highway Administration, the Secretary of the Department of Economic and
Community Development, and the Secretary of the Department of State Planning.
Approved May 24, 1973.
No. 60
(House Joint Resolution 53)
House Joint Resolution stating the support of the General Assembly of Maryland
for the manner in which the State Department of Education currently makes
payments to the local boards of education for bus transportation provided
certain school children, among others.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland subscribes to the policy by
which the State Department of Education supports the transportation of pupils in
the public schools of the State; and
WHEREAS, It has come to the attention of the General Assembly that
beginning in July 1973, the policy of making payments to the local boards of
education will be changed; and
WHEREAS, It is the opinion of the General Assembly that the change as
outlined by the State Department of Education will impose a very decided hardship
on the subdivisions of the State; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly opposes the proposal to ask the counties to
provide for the transportation of children who live less than a mile and where
walking conditions are hazardous; now, therefore, be it