2766 County Local Laws
(b) Rules, regulations and ordinances. Rules, regulations and
ordinances adopted by the Council and rules and regulations promul-
gated by the County Executive during the last previous twelve months'
period ending June 30, general and permanent in character and
having the force and effect of law or a cumulative supplement con-
taining, as amended, the sections of the Montgomery County Code
amended since the last publication of the Code by rules, regulations
and ordinances adopted by the Montgomery County Council and
rules and regulations promulgated by the County Executive.
(c) Other laws, ordinances enacted by the County Council and
all rules and regulations of a general and permanent nature having
the force and effect of law adopted by the County Council or promul-
gated by the County Executive, cumulated since the last publication
of the code which are not codified by section of the Montgomery
County Code shall be included in an appropriate place in every
cumulative supplement, except that standards, rules and regulations
adopted by reference to an existing specific publication need not be
included in a cumulative supplement, provided that the legislative
vehicle by which such standard, rule or regulation was adopted is
(d) Appropriation resolution. The appropriation resolution
adopted by the County Council for the fiscal year current at the time
of publication.
(e) Cumulative table of Sections. A table of the Sections of
the County Code repealed, added or amended subsequent to the publi-
cations of the last edition of the Montgomery County Code.
(f) Changes in Constitution, etc. Changes in Article XIA of
the Maryland Constitution, Article 25A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, 1957, the Charter and the rules of legislative procedure
of the Council.
(g) Indices. Appropriate indices of the foregoing.
Sec. 3. Section 2-9, Chapter 2, title "Administration," of the
Montgomery County Code 1965 is hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, to read as follows:
2-9. Same—Evidentiary Value.
The matter appearing in any compilation or cumulative supple-
ment required by the preceding Section as printed under the direc-
tion of the County Attorney, shall establish prima facie, and be legal
evidence of the matters included therein.
Sec. 4. Severability.
The provisions of this Act are severable and if any provision,
sentence, clause, section or part thereof is held illegal, invalid or un-
constitutional or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such