Montgomery County 2765
acting, with amendments, Section 2-8, title "Compilation of
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations—Annual compilation re-
quired; preparation and publication; contents," and Section 2-9,
title "Same Evidentiary value," to provide for either an annual
compilation containing constitutional changes affecting Mont-
gomery County, laws enacted by the Maryland General Assem-
bly relating to Montgomery County, laws, ordinances, resolutions,
rules and regulations enacted or adopted by the County Council
and rules and regulations promulgated by the County Executive,
or cumulative supplements to the Montgomery County Code con-
taining, as amended, the Sections of the Montgomery County
Code amended by action of the State or County legislative au-
thority during the preceding fiscal years following the last publi-
cation of the Code and constitutional changes and laws, resolu-
tions, rules and regulations, enacted or adopted by the County
Council during such period which are not codified by Section in
the Code excluding standards, rules or regulations adopted by
reference to a specific published volume, provided that the Bill,
ordinance or resolution adopting such standard, etc. by reference
is included, and rules and regulations promulgated by the County
Executive general and permanent in nature and having the force
and effect of law.
Be It Enacted by the County Council for Montgomery County,
Maryland, that—
Sec. 1. Section 2-11, title "Same—Pocket supplement to code,"
of Chapter 2, title "Administration," of the Montgomery County
Code 1965 is hereby repealed in its entirety.
Sec. 2. Section 2-8, Chapter 2, title "Administration" of the
Montgomery County Code 1965, as amended, is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
2-8. Annual compilation of laws, ordinances, rules and regulations
or cumulative supplement required; preparation and publica-
tion; contents.
The County Attorney shall prepare, and have published and
printed under his direction, as soon as practicable after June 30, of
each year a bound, hardback compilation or cumulative supplement
to the Montgomery County Code which shall include the following:
(a) Laws enacted during the last previous twelve-month period
ending June 30, etc. Laws enacted by the Council during the last
previous twelve-month period ending June 30 or a cumulative supple-
ment containing, as amended, the Sections of the Montgomery
County Code amended during the preceding fiscal years, cumulated
since the last publication of the Code, by enactments of the Maryland
General Assembly or the Montgomery County Council.