2578 County Local Laws
(v) and (viii), 13-323.3 (b) (originally enacted by Bill No. 13-71
as Section 13-322.2), 13-324.3 (originally enacted by Bill No. 13-71
as Section 13-323.3), 13-327.6 (10) (a) and (c) (originally enacted
by Bill No. 44-70 as Sections 13-320.6 (10) (a) and (c) and
13-343.28 (3) (originally enacted by Bill No. 16-71 as Section
13-352.29 (3)) of said Code, Title and Subtitle, Article I, "General
Provisions and Definitions", Article III, "Residential Districts",
Heading, "RA—Agricultural Residential Districts", "R2—Residen-
tial Districts", "R5—Residential Districts", "Multi-Family Dis-
tricts", Sub-heading, "R-15 Low Density Multi-Family Districts",
Article IV, "Commercial Districts", Heading, "C1—Local Retail
Districts" and "C4—Highway Commercial Districts", Article VI,
"Special Districts", Heading, "Maritime Group Districts", Sub-
heading, "MB—Maritime Group B Districts" and "MC—Maritime
Group C Districts", Article VIII, "Off-Street Parking", Article XI,
"Special Exceptions", Heading, "Specific Standards", Sub-heading,
"Planned Unit Developments" and "Other Special Exceptions",
respectively, as enacted by Bills Nos. 8-71, 18-70, 39-70, 13-71,
44-70, 93-70 and 16-71, as added or amended, respectively to permit
structures for public services in Residential Districts, to include
off-street parking in the maximum coverage permitted in country
clubs, private clubs and service organizations in Agricultural Resi-
dential Districts, to permit private educational institutions in
Agricultural Residential Districts, to permit rifle, pistol, skeet and
archery ranges as special exceptions in R2—Residential Districts,
to permit private educational institutions in R5—Residential Dis-
tricts, to eliminate heliports and add Planned Unit Developments
as uses permitted by special exception in R-15—Low Density Multi-
Family Districts, to permit all types of professional offices in C1—
Local Retail Districts, to restrict the types of repairs and service
stations permitted in C4—Highway Commercial Districts and to
correct an error in numbering, to change the method of measure-
ment for the location of Maritime Group B facilities, to change the
method of measurement for the location of Maritime Group C
facilities, to clarify the required loading area for general manu-
facturing uses and warehouses and goods storage area uses, to
permit Planned Unit Development in certain Deferred Development
Districts and to redefine the proximity of clay and borrow pits to
adjacent properties; to add Sections 13-303.2 (1/2), (8A), (8B) and
(11A), 13-306.1 (a) (3A), 13-306.2 (6A), 13-314.2 (2A) and (6),
13-317.2 (2A) and 13-343.20A and B, to follow immediately prior
to Sections 13-303.2 (1),(9) and (12), 13-306.1 (a) (4), 13-306.2
(7), 13-314.2 (3) and 13-314.3, 13-317.2 (3) (originally enacted
by Bill No. 20-70 as Section 13-316.1 (3)) and 13-343.21 (origi-
nally enacted by Bill No. 16-71 as Section 13-352.22), respectively,
of said Code, Title and Subtitle, Article III, "Residential Dis-
tricts", Heading, "RA—Agricultural Residential Districts" and
"R5—Residential Districts", Article IV, "Commercial Districts",
Heading, "C4—Highway Commercial Districts", Article V, "In-
dustrial Districts", Heading, "W2—Light Industrial Districts" and
Article XI, "Special Exceptions", Heading, "Specific Standards",