2232 Municipal Charters
ishable upon conviction before any trial magistrate or in the circuit court
for the county within which the offense is committed by a fine not exceed-
ing Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) or imprisonment for not
exceeding One Year, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion
of the court or trial magistrate. The party aggrieved shall have the right
to appeal as is now provided under the general laws of the State. Where the
act or omission is of a continuing nature and is persisted in, a conviction
for one offense shall not be a bar to a conviction for a continuation of the
offense subsequent to the first or any succeeding conviction.
Introduced by Richard Phelps, on the 23rd day of February, 1971.
Resolution proposing amendment to Charter of the Town of Man-
chester increasing the penalties which the Town shall have the power
to affix in the enforcement of Ordinances.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Manchester are cog-
nizant of the fact that the present limitations of the penalties which they
can prescribe for the breaking of Ordinances of the Town are such that
there is no real and present detriment to the breaking of said Ordinances;
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council are further cognizant of the need
to increase the penalties so that the punishment is commensurate with
the crime; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council therefore propose to amend the
Charter of the Town of Manchester.
RESOLVED: That the Charter of the Town of Manchester be amended
by deleting the present paragraph entitled ENFORCEMENT OF ORDI-
NANCES and substituting the following paragraph:
To insure the observance of the Ordinances of the Town, the Council
shall have the power to provide that violation thereof shall be a mis-
demeanor and shall have the power to affix thereto penalties of a fine not
exceeding Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) or imprisonment for
not exceeding One Year, or both such fine and imprisonment. Any person
subject to any fine, forfeiture, or penalty by virtue of any Ordinance
passed under the authority of this charter shall have the right of appeal
within ten days to the circuit court of the county in which the fine, for-
feiture, or penalty was imposed. The council may provide that, where the
violation is of a continuing nature and is persisted in, a conviction for one
violation shall not be a bar to a conviction for a continuation of the offense
subsequent to the first or any succeeding conviction.
Introduced by Richard Phelps, on the 23rd day of February, 1971.
Resolution proposing amendment to Charter of the Town of Man-
chester lowering the age at which a person is qualified to vote in Town
elections at eighteen years of age.