1960 Vetoes
subtitle "Crimes and Punishments," subheading "Lotteries," to fol-
low immediately after Section 371 thereof, to authorize the State
Comptroller to issue non-interest bearing State premium certificates
to purchasers, repayable upon demand, and to pay a portion of the
interest thereon at regular intervals by random selection to certificate
holders, to authorize the adoption of rules regulating the issuance of
certificates and the manner of payment of interest thereon, to pro-
vide for the use and disposition of proceeds of certificate sales, to
provide that the criminal laws of this State are not applicable to
the provisions of this Act, and generally to provide for the issuance
and sale of these certificates.
May 31, 1972.
Honorable Thomas Hunter Lowe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Con-
stitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 363.
This bill authorizes the State Comptroller to issue non-interest
bearing State premium certificates to purchasers, repayable upon de-
mand, and to pay a portion of the interest thereon at regular in-
tervals by random selection to certificate holders.
The Attorney General has advised me that House Bill 363 is
unconstitutional. For the reasons given in the attached copy of the
Attorney General's Opinion, which is to be considered a part of this
message, it is necessary that this measure be vetoed.
/s/ Marvin Mandel,
Letter of the Attorney General on House Bill 363
May 30, 1972.
Honorable Marvin Mandel
Governor of Maryland
State House
Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Re: House Bill 363
Dear Governor Mandel:
At your request we have reviewed House Bill 363 which adds
new Section 27 to Article 19 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1966 Replacement Volume and 1971 Supplement) and adds new
Section 371A to Article 27 of the Code (1971 Replacement Volume),
to authorize the State Comptroller to issue non-interest bearing State
premium certificates to purchasers, repayable upon demand, and to
pay a portion of the interest thereon at regular intervals by random
selection to certificate holders. The bill also authorizes the Comp-
troller to promulgate necessary regulations to provide for the issue
and sale of such certificates and the payment of the interest earned
upon the proceeds from the sale thereof.