1906 Joint Resolutions
No. 27
(Senate Joint Resolution 72)
Senate Joint Resolution calling for the establishment of a radio
monitoring system for use by Wildlife Officers.
Whereas, the preserving of our State's natural forest areas and
the unfettered animals therein is a noble value to be sought for and
achieved; and
Whereas, the Wildlife Officers of our State serve courageously as
guardians for the lives and safety of these animals; and
Whereas, the Wildlife Officers are frequently faced with emer-
gencies placing the THEIR lives of helpless animals in peril; and
Whereas, radio broadcasts by Wildlife Officers are effective tools
for meeting these dangers by coordinating the manpower and
resources of help-rendering agencies; and
Whereas, the efficacy of these broadcasts is hindered by the
already overcrowded State Police radio frequencies; now, therefore,
be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That proper
consideration and appropriation be given by this body to the end
that a radio monitoring system be installed in State Police barracks
to aid Wildlife Officers in their undaunted efforts to preserve the
animals of our forests. DUTIES.
Approved May 5, 1972.
No. 28
(Senate Joint Resolution 76)
Senate Joint Resolution expressing approval of the new flag of Cal-
vert County, and requesting the Governor to issue a proclamation
recognizing its adoption as the County's official flag.
Whereas, Calvert County was established in 1654, one of the old-
est counties in the United States, covering in its original territory all
of what is now St. Mary's, Charles, Prince George's and Anne
Arundel Counties; and
Whereas, From earliest times Calvert County has had its
important role in Maryland's history, being the cradle of the reli-
gious liberty for which Maryland is justly famous, and the home of
Maryland's first elected Governor, Thomas Johnson, and of Roger
Brooke Taney, the great Chief Justice; and
Whereas, With its mild climate and magnificent location on the
Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent River, its natural forests, its
abundance of oysters, crabs, fish and other aquatic life, it is truly
the land of pleasant living; and