Marvin Mandel, Governor 1885
1. With Respect to Water Conservation:
"Sec. 6..... supervising and planning the multiple purpose devel-
opment of the waters of the State for the best interests of all its
"..... (The preparation and development of) a general water
resources program which contemplates the proper conservation and
development of the waters of the State ....."
2. With Respect to Water Pollution:
"Sec. 25(b) To develop comprehensive programs for the preven-
tion, control and abatement of pollution of the waters of the State;
(d) To accept and administer loans and grants from the federal
government and from other sources, public or private, .....
(e) To encourage, participate in, finance, or conduct studies, in-
vestigations, research and demonstrations relating to water pollu-
tion and the causes, prevention, control and abatement thereof;
(i) To issue, modify, or revoke orders (1) prohibiting discharges
of wastes into the waters of the State; (2) requiring the construc-
tion, modification, extension or alteration of new or existing disposal
systems or treatment works or parts thereof or the adoption of other
reasonable remedial measures to prevent, control or abate pollution
or undersirable changes in the quality of the waters of the State;
(1) To issue, continue in effect, revoke, modify, or deny, under
such conditions as it may prescribe, permits for the discharge of
waters or wastewaters into the waters of the State, and for the
installation, modification, or operation of disposal systems or any
parts thereof;
(m) To require proper maintenance and operation of disposal
3. With Respect to Flood Control:
"Sec. 50..... shall be responsible for and cooperate with the
federal and local governments in developing and carrying out a
long range program for controlling flood waters in the State and,
in addition, shall serve in a liaison capacity to said governments in
all matters pertaining to flood control.
Sec. 51..... shall provide technical assistance to local govern-
ments and other State agencies in interpreting flood information
and in drafting local land use and other regulations pertaining to
areas subject to flooding.
..... shall administer such financial assistance for flood control as
may be made available for this purpose......."; and
Whereas, a recent survey of Herring Run flood basin by rep-
resentatives of the Baltimore City Government, the Maryland
General Assembly, NOAH, HARBEL, and the Herring Run Devel-
opment Committee has evidenced a need for a comprehensive plan
for water conservation, pollution abatement and flood control; and
Whereas, The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City and its
Department of Recreation and Parks has committed available City