1574 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 585
Edition, being Article 8 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land), title "Cecil County," subtitle "Electricity" and to add new
Section 7-4A to said Code, title and subtitle to follow immediately
after Section 7-4 thereof to provide for the terms of members of
the Cecil County Board of Electrical Examiners, their compensa-
tion and expenses, and to authorize them to make reciprocal agree-
ments with other counties for licensing of Master Electricians.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 7-1 and 7-3 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Cecil
County (1970 Edition, being Article 8 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Cecil County," subtitle "Electricity," be
and they are repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, and that
new Section 7-4A be and it is hereby added to said Code, title and
subtitle to follow immediately after Section 7-4 thereof, and all to
read as follows:
The Board of County Commissioners of Cecil County shall, on or
before July 1, [1939] 1972, appoint a board which shall be known
as the board of electrical examiners, consisting of three persons for
the purpose of examining into the qualifications and capabilities of
all persons who are engaged or desire to engage in the business of
master electrician, as defined in this chapter. The board so appointed
shall consist of two competent practical electricians of Cecil County,
who shall be selected from a list of 4 names recommended to the
board of county commissioners by the Cecil County Electrical Con-
tractors Association, and the President of a Cecil County Fire Com-
pany. If any vacancy occurs for any cause during the term of any
board as herein provided for, the board of county commissioners shall
appoint somebody from a list of 2 names recommended by said elec-
trical contractors association. The board of county commissioners
shall have full power to remove any member of the board for incom-
petency or improper conduct by satisfactory evidence being pre-
sented to it or them of such condition. [The term of office of the
members of said board shall be one year] One of the members ap-
pointed shall serve a term of one year, one of the members appointed
shall serve a term of two years, and the third member appointed shall
serve a term of three years. All appointments for successors to the
members appointed shall be for a term of three years.
Each member of said board shall receive a compensation of [three
dollars ($3.00)] ten dollars ($10.00) per day for actual service in
attending meetings of the board, and shall receive necessary ex-
penses incurred in connection with their official duties which com-
pensation and expenses shall be paid out of any moneys in the hands
of the treasurer of said board; provided, that the secretary of said
board may receive such additional compensation as the board may
deem just and reasonable, and for which the by-laws of the said
board may provide; provided, however, that the compensation and
expenses of said board shall in no event be paid out of the funds in
the state treasury or become a charge against the state or Cecil